Capitalizing JARED is such a subtle, but brutal own. Like he’s shouting down a tattling younger sibling or something. Mind your own business, JARED.
Capitalizing JARED is such a subtle, but brutal own. Like he’s shouting down a tattling younger sibling or something. Mind your own business, JARED.
I personally spoke to Noam Dworman of the Comedy Cellar about this at great length. I asked him if he’d reached out to any of the victims. He had not.
The simple answer is that no, nurses do not make $120-$150 per hour, and they are not the ones buying apartments. They are the ones taking the train in from the apartments they rent in Queens.
What the hell is up with your legal system, America?
I had no idea that a metric horse had slightly less power than an american one, but I guess that isn’t surprising.
yo she is FIRED UP. Good on her!
Let’s get that Seguin to the Leafs rumour going. Hell ya baby!
Michael Harriot is a racist.
It’s really more of a commercial jingle than a song, but sure.
I don’t know what the hell happened to Magary but the Drew Story of the Week has me sure that dude is nearly dead.
Where’s Tavarish at?
The capacity of the Giant Center in Hershey PA is just over 10,000. So every single person there brought 4-ish bears for this promo?
Serious question, is breaking the rule going “offsides” or “offside”?
hoh boy. this guys got takes!
OK fair enough but for real, get an external battery for those battery woes. At the very least it will stop you from having to live your life around the declining battery life of your phone.
Consider this: maybe he had to shit
I mean, he obviously did it. The whole deny but apologize anyways... either she made it up or she didn’t Jameis, god damn.
I’m not trying to be some shithead that just disagrees with you for the sake of it, and honestly I agree with you 1000%... but one thing I was thinking...
Most people will have never heard of him, so, I think it’s fair to point out that yes, he does deserve his place.