
I went to a school where the social life revolved around bars rather than parties. The drinking age was 21 but you could get into any bar in the city with a half way decent fake ID. Even as an idiot 18 year old I recognized that this was a far safer enviroment to drink in than a frat house. I’d guess it cuts down on

Convincing women not to go to frat parties is something I can get behind.

Yeah. If it’s not taboo, that takes away half the intrigue. Plus, it seems like people are less likely to get dangerously wasted if they’re ordering drinks at bars (where there are bartenders who can stop serving people who are too drunk) instead of chugging vodka in dank basements.

Wouldn’t the more helpful thing be to reduce the drinking age to 18? That is something that has actually been proven to lower binge drinking. No college kid is going to care about an alcohol intervention program.

And sexual assault survivors are often labeled with labels like “borderline” or “MDD” and “paranoid”. It's a super fantastic way to discredit anyone!

Somewhere, Leelee Sobieski is frowning at her Starbucks cup marked “Helen”.

Female Military Veterans Respond to Sexual Assault Report: “NO SHIT, SENIOR CHIEF McFUCKFACE.”

As a vet, these stories just break my heart. I can tell you from personal experience that the military is an enormous bureaucracy that exists to perpetuate itself and guard its prerogatives and values, and it pushes back hard against anything that is perceived to threaten them. It’s not that the system is designed to

Ya but then in the military they’re additionally burdened and stigmatized in being discharged with a “personality disorder” and losing their careers.

I’m always suspicious about organizations that talk about their honor. I remember Emerson’s quote, “the more he spoke of his honor the faster we counted our spoons.”

Well stated. As much as the military prides itself on honor, how can they not feel the taint on their honor by the way they treat sexual assault victims?

I’m all about supporting our troops. And about women having to pass the same physical standards as men. Every woman partner I’ve had as a cop easily passed the same standards I did. My last one is still in better shape than I’ve ever been in. So, I know women can do it.

It reminds me of a scene in an early Rita Mae Brown book where the protagonist is hired to throw grapefruits at a guy—really hard, so the spatter. Apparently it’s the only way he can get off.

What a beautiful and apt description from your son’s coach! ⭐️

I’m the same way. I can’t enjoy someone’s art if I know somewhere, if whether in the product the craft of the process itself, that they’ve been a piece of shit.

What’s heartening is what I hear from my kids - every dance seems to include at least one kid (in a school of 500) who does the gender-alternative route. And the kids really don’t make as big a deal of it as the adults do. They don’t always agree with it, or understand it, but the fact that they tolerate it is

Aniya, you sound like a phenomenal human. And, totally not the point but you look amazing in that tux. Everyone deserves to feel as confident and fucking boss as you look in these pictures.

There are two women here in town — one over 60 and gorgeous white hair, and one under 40 with gorgeous brown hair, both similarly cut to Aniuya’s — who wear The Most Gorgeous Suits Ever.

A new thing that today’s cadre of gender judges needs to realize: they aren’t the only game in town or even the majority any more.

I was once a passionate Dylan admirer, and then upon hearing about some of the more unsavory facets of his character — his treatment of women both personally and professionally in particular — all of it turned acrid, sour, and I could no longer listen to any of his music. I am not the kind who can separate the person