
Lucky lady. I’m a white girl who married a white guy and I still walked into all those in- law expectations, which seems super- weird to me because my MIL hadn’t done a lot of that for her husband- although, in retrospect, she had done all of that for her sons, so-???. Misogyny is so bizarre. *shrug*

For those people who act like a dick and then claim it was satire: THIS is how you actually use satire to critique social issues.

Get a few things, go to a busy public place and call the support line. Safety first! Sending good thoughts your way.

It’s amazing what tons of money, flexible job and being a white attractive woman can get you. I found the author so entitled that I couldn’t finish the book. I never could understand all the attention it received.

I volunteer with a domestic violence agency and have heard and seen many stories both short and long. This isn’t something to be embarrassing, you were just violently hurt by someone who should care for your safety and well-being. He was sober enough to attack you and then go back out and enjoy himself.

Not to throw myself a pity party here, but man, I’m a little sick of being single and for constantly falling in and out of relationships that are clearly wrong for me. I hate to use professional success and high achievement as a crutch but I’m definitely a little bitter about how nicely this works out for my male

JE REICH.... YOU’RE A GEM!!!! You are such a nice human being, how the hell do you do it? You always answer commenters complaints perfectly, you respect what we have to say and acknowledge when you make a mistake, you seem like a really nice person. I’m not kissing ass... actually... I AM... because you are worthy of

Get out of there while he’s gone, if you can. Please.

I know you know this but I’ll say it anyway. You need to leave him now before he hurts you even worse.

This is beautiful! I like everything you wrote, but I can especially relate to what you said about cutting out added sugar. I do my best to avoid added sugars and sometimes I fail, but it’s well worth the effort. Once, after not eating any added sugars and very limited natural sugars for a few days, I treated myself

It boggles my mind all the shit that spews out of these white men’s mouths especially shading her movie. Meanwhile Tom Mison and his lovely self even called Icabod the side kick...for which I will love him for but I still can’t watch this trainwreck

I like to think it ended after the first season, but instead of going into purgatory for Katrina,Abbie pushed her back in like

Abbie was Ichabods sidekick???????

This is lovely. Thank you.

Thank you, Anne.Onomous! Wishing you a beautiful Ramadan!

Wow. That was beautiful! My reply is going to seem woefully inadequate in comparison but what you’re saying really resonates. And, like I say, was articulated so eloquently. It’s truly lovely to think of a collection of positive occurrences providing that kind of empathy within so many people (rather say a tragic

I enjoyed the first season of this show. I saw Abby and Crane as equals. So glad, I never finished the last season. I’m not planning to watch the next one.

Thank you for your nice comment!

What happened, last night? I’m so curious!!