Yes, they have moved away from the wedding-industrial complex with an announcement in the NY Times.
You could do this as performance art and New Yorkers would pay to see it.
Unless the wedding is a women castrating, disemboweling and showering in her future husband’s blood while reciting a few pieces of Audre Lorde’s writing,(while wearing white, of course, YOU CAN’T HAVE A WEDDING UNLESS YOU ARE WEARING WHITE) IT IS NOT A FEMINIST WEDDING. GET OUT. GO ON. GET.
We started trying when I was 35.5 and we were all worried I was Too Old for this. Surprise: We actually have male factor infertility. More common than you’d think.
Hear! Hear! A fellow adoptee here, and my parents are MY PARENTS and we are super close. Talk almost every day, in fact I’m going to visit them this weekend. There is not a thing wrong with you. You are perfect just as you are :-)
I know you are coming from a good place, and your intentions are so good they’re shiny, but unless you’re a married, straight, white, Christian/Christian-adjacent couple in the US, adoption is much, much, much harder than it looks. Especially here in the middle states where Jesus is quarterbacking the HS football…
Not defective. What you are doing is wonderful. Speaking as an adopted child, you will experience a bond and a love unlike any you’ve ever experienced in your life and that very few people in the world get to know. My mother is no less of a mother because she didn’t birth me herself, is in no way defective, and in no…
And THIS is why I wish people would STFU asking women when they’re going to have a baby already or when you’re going to get to work on a sibling for the one you already have or whether you’re going to try for a boy/girl because you already have one of the other flavor. You never have a clue what people are going…
I call it the Matt Damon Effect. It’s super easy to call out other people for not paying workers enough or not being diverse enough or not being an equal partner in the housework or corporations/1%ers not paying taxes or whatever the angst du jour is. BONUS: you get to look like a great wealthy savior coming to the…
I’m not that connected to that world
I don’t know if it is my love for Stewart clouding my judgement, but it seriously just sounds like he admitted to never hearing those rumors before, which is believable because the only reason I know of those rumors is because of this site.
It’s like when Anthony Bourdain kept making fun of her in his writing and stuff, and she sent a fruit basket to him and his family. He ended up writing a surprisingly sweet blog post about how his kid really liked the oranges and stuff, and he’s been pretty chill towards her ever since.
This is amazing and cements my idea that Rachael Ray knows how to hang.
I know that Rachel Ray’s perkiness (and cooking style/recipes) annoy the shit out of people, but she does seem like a sweet lady. I enjoy that she’s taking this in stride.
She’s in it? I’ll totally watch it now.
Olivia Coleman is a BAMF! Her pregnancy on the show reminded me of Fargo in that here is an amazing, intelligent, brave woman doing her job very well while she happens to be pregnant. The skeptic in me might say it's because she was pregnant in real life and they just didn't alter the script much but I hope it was a…
Yes! Colman and Hiddles had WAY more chemistry together!!! Also, Colman is my absolute number one girl crush - she’s basically perfect in every way.
Wish he’d hooked up with no-nonsense spymaster and unacknowledged national treasure Olivia Colman.