Nee C

It's also worth noting when Chuck asked Jimmy about all these "regrets" he was having (during Chuck and Jimmy's final talk), Jimmy simply couldn't answer Chuck. Pride on Jimmy's part or because it was all for show? Add to it when Jimmy went to Chuck to apologize, Jimmy attempted to turn the conversation around to

It's called microsleep. Basically, when you don't sleep for 2-3+ days, your body forces itself to sleep for a few seconds to roughly half a minute without the person being aware it happened. The person when they wake back up is typically disoriented.

His issues go deeper than that, I believe. It goes as far back as Jimmy being the 'favored' child. It's been suggested that with their age difference (think back to Jesse in BB), Jimmy was very much babied by his parents - Chuck has done the expected 'Big Brother' thing (shitting through the sunroof and Chuck

Chuck being forced to confront how mentally ill he really is KILLED me. And in front of the people he holds dear (in the varying capacities that he does/can). As someone with a history of mental illness, I cried a little out of sympathy.

That's pretty much it, yes!

It was pride/jealousy/feeling inferior. The actress for Gretchen answered this question.

I think I must be the only one who believed Christian didn't try to kill Thomas, but it was Grant. And Christian - while still messed up from Mom and Dad- has tried to cover up or hide from Grant's craziness.

Many apologies for sharing this bit of information.. two years later but before John K. was booted from Ren & Stimpy, he and the rest of the crew would spend nearly all their time drawing pictures of Ren and Stimpy doin' the diddly do with each other. They'd then hit the "OH CRAP" moment, quickly animate an episode

Many apologies for sharing this bit of information.. two years later but before John K. was booted from Ren & Stimpy, he and the rest of the crew would spend nearly all their time drawing pictures of Ren and Stimpy doin' the diddly do with each other. They'd then hit the "OH CRAP" moment, quickly animate an episode