
Congratulations on becoming the NFL’s version of the St. Louis Cardinals fanbase.

It’s funny how sports fans who say they don’t want politics in their sports also want to preserve the national anthem as a show of patriotism.

In this quest for equality you right here, right now, are belittling this guy for being honest and wanting to be able to be himself

It needs more passive-aggressive comments, but I guess you’re okay with not having an example of what makes us superior to other states. That’s good for you; not everyone is so content with so little.

Oh, get fucked. It’s not enough that people who have profound actual disagreements with Clinton’s program have agreed to suck it up and vote for her? You need them to feel great about it, too? “The bare minimum” any voter can do to prevent Donald Trump’s sexism and racism from coming into power is to vote for Donald

I think there’s a difference between bias and “rigging” or “cheating”. I’m surprised that so many folks don’t acknowledge the bias the DNC exhibited- I thought that these facts were not in dispute. What is actually in dispute is whether this was ethical or strategically beneficial for the party, and I tend to think it

It is factually true for anyone who reads more than just Jezebel. Hillary is the least popular candidate in the history of the democratic party. And if it weren’t for Donald Trump she would literally be the most disliked major party nominee in US history.

You implied Clinton won the election because she cheated.

I’m voting for Clinton regardless of internet histrionics. I’m not sure what I sad to make you so hostile, but it illustrates my point more than it counters it. She is not a perfect candidate. I’m sorry if hearing that is altogether too much for you to bear, but being able to have civil conversations about our

Yes. What’s most important is that Clinton supporters mock anyone who ever supported Sanders, and any reasons they might have for doing so as crazy. That will build allyship and win them over to your candidate.

Trump’s Katrina:

Whoa whoa whoa “Centre” youre telling me you big Canadians are the ones running it?

This is rich coming from the person whose first thought about a hypothetical scenario where Trump wins a debate against Clinton was “it’s those goddamned Sanders millennials again, they’re to blame for all of this” and now you’re being defensive and whiny because everyone and their grandmother correctly pointed out

Because I lived through the 2000 election and I know what happens when idealistic people vote third party in a close race.

I’m more than capable of worrying about several things at once.

The blowback in the Breitbart commentariat against the NFL in general (ostensibly for Roger Goodell not bring down an iron fist on dissenters) for this has been swift and mouth-breathing. Many are threatening to leave football fandom all together.

This is an excellent way to unite the party, by relentlessley making fun of Bernie’s supporters, calling them “Bernie Bros”, children, spoiled, racist and by cherry picking one or two hold-outs and acting as if that’s all his supporters, despite poll after poll showing Hillary pulling in 90% of us, far more than the Hi

Jon Stewart would never do a bit like this because he had a sense of empathy and a basic respect for humanity. It’s why he never seemed to be punching down — even when he brutally took people to task. He always made sure he was making fun of people for the right reasons.