
The Jackson 5. BOOM!

And the people in the room don’t count.

What are the odds that he could name five more black people, living or deceased?

Raiders owner Mark Davis has until March to get this mess figured out, otherwise it’s unlikely he will receive the 24 votes from his fellow owners needed to approve his team’s move to Las Vegas.

Because they turned a 300 page book into 8 hours of film?


The heartwarming Hobbit trilogy reunion:

Barry Sanders.

Me reading your comment: “What about Tim Dunc — oh... yeah, sounds about right.”

I’m not sure there are ton of absolute, top-10 all-time athletes in any sport who also weren’t huge drama queens.

I guess it’s a good thing for Barkley, then, that that argument is impossible to make.

No no no, this is when Barkley doubles down. He always doubles down. They don’t call him the Round Mound of Rebound for nothing. He’s gonna be right back up. If you’re going to get into a spat with a man who literally threw a guy through a window, prepare to feel the pane.

“Go watch the ‘93 Finals when John Paxson hit the shot,” James said. “Barkley and Jordan were laughing and joking with each other during one of the games while somebody’s shooting a free throw. In the Finals. But, oh, nobody were friends back then.”

He better prepare himself for a stern lecture the next time he sees Coach K.

This is a weird fucking picture

“The Aristocrats!”

Thith article ith prithleth!

Thanks Ashley, now whenever we talk about Trump in politics I will just think about how we were this close to Mike Tyson solving this problem for us in the 80s.