that type of savagery needs a lot more stars!
that type of savagery needs a lot more stars!
these young punks don’t know! (this song is older than aaron gordon too)
dating myself but this was my first thought seeing that messi clip. #victoire
this kid plays the game the cardinal way. ammirite?
this needs way more stars.
my first thought was joey bats. sometimes you just gotta let the moment be. it was epic. and i’m not even a vikings fan.
was going to the exactly the same thing. jmulti-millionaires pool their resources and come together as a part of an ownership group. the person with the most shares is the de facto owner. derek jeter didn’t just cut a check for $1.2 billion dollars and buy the florida marlins. his stake was estimated to be about $25…
(1) i give you the criminally underrated, late great sharon jones and the dap kings. any of these songs. got a soft spot for track 2 and track 8.
(2) i love trane. but i always thought it was a stretch to equate “my favorite things” as christmas music. i mean its a…
you have a soul list and leave off the godfather? that’s gonna be a fail from me dawg.
you’re ashamed? i laughed at that.
/goes to sit in corner
i’d give you more than +1 but i left my wallet in el segundo...
that was a great passage.
excellent use of underused word. take your star.
i’m giving you all these stars! and you can take ralph wiggum’s too.
marylanders this remind any one else of the hunt cup?
sure. and i bet we could still see the one big similarity...
every win and kirk cousins $$ goes up. only this franchise (my team btw) could screw up a contract with a quarterback any worse. i just can’t understand what their thinking is. i mean it has to come down to two decisions: (1) kirk is not good enough to spend franchise qb money on (2) we can do better.
as far as point…
coffee break was over fifteen minutes ago!!