Ned Reed

Because we in the South have far and away the most flag-waving, ‘Merica-loving, Bible-thumping, Harry-Potter-burning, Christo-Fascist Islamaphobic religious idiots in the entire nation. Most obese, too.

ALL of me wanted Santa to get bashed with the pizza pan.

Stealing peoples comments. Takes Jaun to know Juan

This, THIS is what a normal, sane person is talking about when they're saying that a business can and sometimes should refuse someone service. The utterly insane assholes who start off treating the staff like slaves and go downhill from there. The POS who threatens their way into free stuff because they know a

One more book is the official Shuttle history by Dennis Jenkins: (Several editions are available on Amazon). As a former Shuttle engineer, he has a lot of insight into the history and technical details of the program; his books are a very good read (he is also in charge of the Endeavor exhibit at the California

"Your entire life—the warp and woof of your life—is going to be bounded by political decisions made in city halls and state capitals and the White House, and the Capitol in Washington. How deep you will be buried when you die, the qualifications of the people who prescribe your eyeglasses, whether or not the dye you

Great article! It's a valuable life skill they should teach to high school kids.

The very definition of dinner and a floor show.

I would know about my favorite team by watching the team play the sport they get paid to play. Which requires zero "journalists," just two people in the booth talking about the stuff happening on the field.