Ned Reed

I see your point. However, many of the rules are not written, but based instead on the idea that most of our leaders would generally act in favor of the nation and democracy. After all, you can’t codify everything. I don’t think the Founders anticipated that a President would speak and act as vilely as Trump, because

Well said, and good points. For my own 2¢, my main complaint about dealers is the slimy haggling. The “best deal” changes from minute to minute, let-me-check-with-the-sales-manager, fast talk with a spreadsheet, etc. It’ll all baloney and a pain, to try to get me to pay the highest price they can get. I’ve tried to

Sorry to hear about your wife’s former best friend. Did they have a falling out? Did your wife get a new best friend?

Thank you. It’s so very rare for a Gizmodo writer to ever proofread his/her work, it seems. Maybe Jalopnik (and you) hold to a higher standard?

It’s higher voltage that can jump a larger gap. Think about getting zapped from walking on a carpet in the winter — high voltage, but very little current, or you’d be dead. 😵 I’m guessing here, but the 220 VAC welder probably transforms the 220 to a higher voltage?

I don’t know who you are as “jztemple,” but we probably knew each other. I was in FR-2. I hustled outside just before T-0 to watch with my own eyes. Cheers to a job well done!

We deserve better...

while thirteen other states and the District of Columbia have similar laws on their books, only New York has been targeted with any new restrictions on travel programs or the processing of exports.

Predatory and unsustainable pretty much describes Wall Street. When the next market crash comes, “no one could have seen it coming.” (I went to a talk by Alan Greenspan, genius economist, and that’s pretty much exactly what he said about 2008.)

Non-profit corporations? Intentionally non-profit, that is, usually to do something good for society. That probably excludes all big automakers, though.

Doing so would assume that the wiring harness for the taillight had discreet 12V wires for the different taillight functions; however, when I look at the connector diagram, that appears not to be the case

If you drive fast enough, rear visibility isn’t an issue 😁

A foreign nude model with a mediocre career marries an old fat rich American. Not that there’s anything wrong with prostitution, but let’s call it what it is. Mail-order brides at least had some hope of love.

If you don’t like when the passenger in front of you reclines his or her seat, that’s understandable. But you’re taking your pain out on the wrong person.

While totally not speaking of sluts: What would you say about a young nude magazine model with a so-so career from a poor country who marries a fat old rich man in America? That she married for love?

What the HELL is with the videos auto-playing with sound on now?

50 years ago, but yes. And LBJ was a notorious womanizer before that. But all in all, I’ll take the crappy Democrats in power over the really crappy Republicans in power.

But it really isn’t at the same level. Democrats pushed out Al Franken for (IMHO) relatively minor misbehavior towards women, despite Franken having an excellent record for supporting women’s rights. Republicans? They forgive almost anything within their party to stay in power. The closest they came to cleaning house

Because Republicans are Republican in name only.