
And, in fact, would have exposed people to a lot less radiation.

Ugh, I could do without the pointless nuclear alarmism. Look, if nuclear power is good enough for Greenpeace, why isn't it good enough for you? And why do your concerns about people being exposed to radiation suddenly evaporate when we're talking about coal-based power, which exposes people to far more radiation in a

Welcome to planet Earth. It's the circle of life.

It was flat-out terrible. I was more hyped for this movie than any in the last few years besides the Hobbit, but I ended up leaving in disgust after 40 minutes.

Am I the only person who apparently hated the movie?

To be fair, it is pretty cliche and boring to have big business as the bad guy all the time. I mean...the guy's name is "Lord Business" the same time it is just a kids movie but its still cliche.

All the polar bears are supposed to be extinct though, remember?

The Climate Change Alarmist Industry is a hoax and is the #1 example of how stupid liberals are.

Yep. It is also annoying when politicians imply that their preferred policy is the only solution to a scientific problem. You can agree that the climate is changing without agreeing with any particular policy proposal. Science ≠ Policy

I'd still prefer, Oh, I don't know... OBSERVABLE PROOF.

Yeah.....Al Gore didn't make a dime off of his little home movie

Change I can (make) believe in.

By now, sadly, we know Obama is almost nothing more than all talk.

Not that I'm advocating nuclear war, but considering the estimated tens of millions killed via famine and death camps under the various Kims, if a nuke could have put an end to that regime back in the 60's (without the Chinese or Soviets retaliating), one could argue far more harm and misery would have been prevented

Am I the only one who read this and thought... too bad we didn't put this plan into action we'd be a lot better off today if we had?

I'm really amazed we humans managed not to nuke anybody since Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We got that close so many times, and yet in what will soon be 70 years and no other nuke was ever used- beside tests, of course.

Now THIS looks straight out of a Gerry Anderson yarn:

"Designer"? Ok, show me something like that made by an Aircraft Engineer now.

This is retarded...

Now playing

Not a movie, but one of my favorites: The Giant Death Ray