
Seriously, using one password for everything is a worse threat than using simple, short, easy-to-remember passwords ever was. (At least if you use different passwords, someone hacking into one of your accounts doesn't get access to all your other ones.)

The not scaring children part? Well, I've learned how to comb my hair and keep my beard trimmed, so I've got that going for me, which is nice. But I'm also not a racist lying sack of shit, so that helps a lot, too.

Good times indeed. I know there was a lot of unnecessary hype back in 1999, but as guy who was working in IT back then, I know a shitload of people put in a shitload of work to fix or compensate for the Y2K "bug" (actually a flaw/lazy coding problem). The fact that nothing really bad happened on Jan 1, 2000, made it

I was also glad to see Lost Girl, but would also have liked to see Wynnona Earp, yet another Canadian-shot series about a young woman who discovers that she's the latest in a long line of supernatural beastie-hunters. A lot of fun, too; hope it gets a 2nd season.

Also a Calgary lifer, and I have witnessed the temperature go from a low of -36 C (about -33 F) to a high of +17 C (about +63 F) in the span of 10 days. Wonder what Leo would have made of that.

I think you mean CATtle … wait, that didn't come out right.

Well, I *would* tell that to the Budgie Brigade survivors, except they were all fed, to Jock, Winston Churchill's ginger tomcat, as a reward for his (Jock's) role in convincing noted cat-hater Adolf Hitler to eat that cyanide pill, as I'm sure you are well aware, bird-hugger.

That's just birdist propaganda and you know it.

I can almost guarantee that a cat saved at least one of your ancestors' lives (by killing mice that would otherwise eat or despoil their food, or killing disease-infested rats), thus allowing you to exist. Can you say the same about a zebra finch?

By Jiminy, you're right!

Yeah, that was the big sticking point for me when they made it clear that "The Truth" was the actual, in-show truth.

You keep using that URL. I don't think it means what you think it means.

No. The first season had terrible plotting, and huge plot holes. (WHY ARE THERE NO CRICKETS IN WAYWARD PINES?)

A few years ago, I had the privilege of seeing Guy on stage with John Hiatt, Joe Ely, and Lyle Lovett. Just four guys with their guitars in an old church, taking turns playing songs, sometimes backing each other up but mostly just listening appreciatively, and shooting the shit in between. Might just have been the

Can't disagree that great storytellers need to be reigned in sometimes. ("Brevity is the soul of wit" comes from a 4-hour play, after all.)

I think the director's cuts of these movies demonstrate that James Cameron — though a very good and sometimes great filmmaker — isn't really a very good storyteller.

I do think the single-glyph is interrobang is pretty cool, but I confess I seldom use it because it's every-so-slightly inconvenient to enter on a standard keyboard and I am lazy; same goes for the proper "open quote" and "close quote" marks …

Plus, Disqus is just weird. I've tried multiple times to "fix" my avatar (there should be another ")" at the end of it (so it looks like this: "(;,;)") (did I mention I really like punctuation?)) but no matter how I size the file to upload, it just doesn't take it. Can't figure out why for the life of me. Good

Mark Twain. Shakespeare. Arguably, Greek and Roman mythology. "The Further Adventures of …" has a history that goes back way before comic book movies.

I'd argue for "Duck Amuck" as #1, but "Opera" is definitely in the top 5.