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I’m genuinely baffled that this looks as bad as it does when Pokemon Let’s Go already figured out how make good looking remakes in the top-down Pokemon style.

Actually chuckled. 

Thank you! That at least answers my question, while introducing many more lol.

Now I’m very curious as to how said judge narrowed it down to 436 specific games. Where does that number come from? Is that a genre? The amount of Battle Royales in Steam maybe?

I’m being toxic to a videogame? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt Bravely Default II’s feelings. 

If it hits the 70s I make bank. 

I bet money that this game would review poorly and so far it seems I’m on track to make buck. It’s just so cookie-cutter and content with just regurgitating the same brand of nostalgia two Bravely Defaults already milked I can’t see it doing very well. I think the cow is dry, nothing left to milk there. 

The problem isn’t that the data got deleted, is that it got stolen which means that:
a) Sensitive information that could be used for illicit purposes to harm the company and/or its employees is now in possession of bad actors.
b) They have a leaky ship and they have to plug the leaks before they can keep working on the

The source code was literally auctioned off in the dark web already, I think we know for a fact now that the breach did happen lol

I mean, since the game is literally unplayable on base consoles, you have to be able to commit to some sort of deadline to make that no longer be the case. Somehow I think this is less worse than throwing your arms up in the air and saying it’s gonna remain unplayable indefinitely.

But Apple could just argue that many apps aren’t restricted to mobile devices.

The fact that they’re only going after Apple, rather than include Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo for their exclusive storefronts seems hypocritical.

I think selling Switches for 4 more years while having a successor on the market is a stretch. They usually only support legacy consoles for 2 more years before discontinuing them. Not to mention it doesn’t make sense for them to transition into a new console now precisely because the Switch is doing better than ever

Nintendo said in an investors’ call or whatever not too long ago (like last month I think?) that the Switch is in the middle of its lifecycle. 

Google doesn’t have faith in anything, they just throw shit at the wall and discard anything that doesn’t immediately stick. What am saying is that this is exactly the sort of thing they should care about, were Stadia not doomed under their myopic leadership anyway.

I would argue that is all the more reason for them to be aggravated by this since from now on Stadia will only be supported by third parties choosing to use it as a distribution platform. 

I don’t think it has to be or that he is implying that it is. Dude is just mad at their poor service and as a result doesn’t want to support them. This is no different than someone getting bad service at a restaurant and never wanting to go back there again. 

This is great news because I’m genuinely happy you will be able to flourish as a journalist in a way you never would have here working literally anywhere else.

Oh no, you said “the little guy”, here they come

VERY important point, thanks for reminding me. And I’m not being sarcastic btw, this is most likely true in some fashion.