
None of their recommending tools are ever gonna work for me so long as they don’t incorporate the option to flag games as “Owned in a different platform.” Their algorithm works, it just keeps recommending me the same games I already bought somewhere else.

Shut the fuck up. Just how pathetic do you have to be to try belittle the condition of people that are already thinking of taking their own lives and one of the few resources they have at the their disposal.

This dude is suicidal. Do you really think someone in that mental state has the prescience to think “oh I better make sure I filter my suicidal thoughts through the appropriate channels” ? Like, who are you preaching to? The people to whom you are directing your “advice” to are dealing with serious mental issues and

I think you may be color-blind.

Um, LOL, that's for the first 15 seconds of the video which is an introductory animation that does not constitute actual gameplay. Everything else after the "Joker Steals the Show!" Title card is actual gameplay. 

It wasn’t a bad new direction to pick, they just executed it poorly. Anthem isn’t floundering because it’s not a Bioware-style RPG, it’s failing because it’s a bad game. It’s fundamental design flaws are well beyond “oh it’s a genre I don’t like or not used to.

oh, so the next Google Glass is here, I can’t wait...


They look like Fortnite characters :|

I feel like you think you are disagreeing with me, but you are not. Turns out the truth of the situation is more complex than simply “ He’s a misogynist racist fucking asshole,” as your multi-paragraph response very eloquently explains.

If you want to critique something, actually critique it. Throwing around

And none of that makes him misogynistic. Can we stop calling people names when we simply disagree with them?

The Xenoblabe franchise is a first party Nintendo IP. Shulk and co fit right in. That said, I hate Rex and I’m glad he is out of this.

I think this is the kind of thing that is easy to miss for white people, but I can almost guarantee you a black person in the team would have noticed this immediately.

The Dragon Ball franchise needs more female characters.

Now that sounds more like the sound capitalism I’ve come to expect. I knew there had to be some sort of “business-minded” explanation behind this, it was just a matter of figuring out what sort of consumerist angle was behind this small, albeit regretable, change.

Oh I’m sure it wasn’t changed with ill-intent. It’s just a little disappointing that, even if it was changed for practical considerations, they couldn’t default to something that deviated from the norm. Great figures tho! From the looks of it, at least.

They look phenomenal, but why did they whitewash the Inkling Girl from Splatoon 2?  🤔🤔🤔

Wait, I’m confused now. If you don’t play games anymore, why do you keep up with gaming news?

Hmmm, this is a weird take. Do you feel guilty when you eat spaghetti that wasn’t made by an Italian chef?