
I don’t see

Phone screens are waaaay smaller tho. Inconveniently so. I have tried to read manga on my phone and having to constantly zoom on every dialogue bubble makes it unbearable. If this allows me to see the full page, or even most panels, while remaining readable it will already be leagues better.

Hmmm, this is a weird take. Do you feel guilty when you eat spaghetti that wasn’t made by an Italian chef? 

You get the grand finals you deserve. The Smash community in general needs to grow up. This childish showing was nothing more than a reflection of the pettiness that characterizes this scene. Y’all need to be better than this.

I feel like you are taking the playable White Palace too literally. Maybe I’m reading too much into it, but since the version you play exists solely in the dream world, I feel like that justifies all the liberties they took with its design. The real palace seems to be in shambles, so you get to play this twisted,

100% agreed.

That’s a very long-winded way to say you don’t like Metroidvanias. That’s fine, there are dozens of other genres for you with equally gorgeous games among them.

Play Dead Cells


Hmmm, I think you misread that passage, or maybe I did.

Fair point.

To me, happiness and success was a mix of Fight Club’s Tyler Dryden, dating Scott Pilgrim’s Ramona Flowers and having enough money to act like Patrick Bateman in American Psycho.

Now playing

QUOTE “Historically games development has seen audio as something you just stick on top of the game, you don’t actually think of it as part of the design.” – Dead Space 3 and Red Alert 3 composer James Hannigan joins Get Even composer Olivier Derivière to talk about the wasted potential of music in video games.

Now playing

His brief appearance was hilarious (timestamped, you dont have to watch all 10 mins just hit play):

There’s lots of different reasons to play

Huh. And here I thought the reward of playing a game was having fun.

World of Warcraft has finally gotten with the times.

Good thing you don't have to gamble for a chance at maybe playing the new hero you want. 

Oh yeah, I guess I forgot to mention I just so happen to not be a deranged individual, so even in the off chance that a hate mob would set its sights on me, good luck finding afireable offense 😘

Oh I don’t think your comment alone was enough to derail the whole thing. Clearly the majority of people are still itching to have their opinions on the Price debacle validated again, so I guess the discourse was gonna go that way no matter what.