
Yes, this point was raised many many times in the previous article dealing with the ArenaNet incident in question. This one though is not about that. This is about the ripples the outcome of that incident is having across the industry regardless of who was in the right or in the wrong in that particular instance.

Yup. I don’t even mention my workplace in my social media accounts. At my previous workplace I was, let’s say, “strongly encouraged” to fly the company flag more openly in social media channels because they wanted to “humanize” the brand or whatever by having employees be more visible. My solution? I just created

This industry pumps out approximately 743,000 military shooters a year and people just accept it, so I think we can stomach two entire sci-fi RPG’s.

When Nintendo needs to have a presence in Japan, they throw their own events. They recently had one last month prior to E3 just to announce a bunch of Pokemon stuff.

I mean, it doesn’t matter to anyone outside of Tokyo anyway if they don’t have a physical presence, what matters is the Nintendo Direct they throw around the same time. That’s what you get hyped about.

You know D.Va is not her name either, right? 

I mean, I’ll take this opportunity to remind you this is the same community that over time has reduced Winston to “monkey”, Roadhog to “hog” or “pig” and Junkrat to “rat” or “Spamrat.

At this point I’m confident the only reason Tumblr manages to stay afloat is because of the gargantuan amounts of porn in it (much to Yahoo’s dismay lmao).

Welp, you got me, Kotaku. You tricked me into reading fanfiction. Nice going.

I just can’t be tilting my Switch around like that without wanting to puke after 10 mins.

Just go back to the alley where you first found access to the subway station (to the right of the multiplayer lobby entrance, where the urchin kid is sitting, next to the cafe).

Alternatively, you can just fast-travel there from the X menu.

If you don’t have them enabled, use motion controls. There is a short adaptation period, but once you get used to the motion control that’s when the game really clicks. Well, unless you are playing it on portable mode, but then again that’s also the most cumbersome way to play Splatoon.

This is the most groundbreaking news in this whole thread.

So, about that Cyberpunk...

In a conference that was already the dullest EA has ever had, that onstage match they had for this C&C was like hitting a new rock bottom.

play Wizard of Legend.

Turtle Rock doesn’t like Valve, sadly.

Let’s not pretend Evolve had any legs whatsoever, with or without DLC. It was dead on arrival.

If this is what it takes to force Blizzard to bring Overwatch to Switch, I say bring it on.

The whole style, really. The music, the puns, the made-up language, it all feeds into it. It’s a very stylish game.