
Let’s not pretend Evolve had any legs whatsoever, with or without DLC. It was dead on arrival.

If this is what it takes to force Blizzard to bring Overwatch to Switch, I say bring it on.

The whole style, really. The music, the puns, the made-up language, it all feeds into it. It’s a very stylish game.

You don’t need to read anything at all to understand most of the stuff. The game does and outstanding job of representing things visually. Most of the text is puns and jokes anyway.

I mean, that was also one of the marketing points they drummed up last year when they announced Battlefront II. Fast forward some months and we found out the caveat was the loot-box nonsense that got us into the shitshow that brings us here.

Fortnite blowing up is probably the best thing that happened to this game.


I mean, sure. Not sure what this has to do with anything, but fuck nazis indeed.

All of them.

I saw the headline and the trailer for the controller and I was like “oh that’s neat”

What’s wrong with juvenile? Not everything needs to be The Last of Us.

Like an F-Zero. With an actual narrative component styled over the incredibly meme-able F-Zero anime adaptation. Or something! I’m legitimately dumbfounded as to why they thought of doing a game like this and went with StarFox over F-Zero. Somebody make sense of this for me!

Seriously, what is the logic behind making an F-Zero game in a furry skin when F-Zero has been sitting there untouched for ages? Specially after the mediocre StarFox Zero. What StarFox needs is a good mainline game that moves the series forward from the under the shadow of StarFox 64, not an F-Zero knock-off that also

I would rather a new F-Zero than a game inspired by F-Zero :/ Gimme the real deal.

Sequel-of-sorts sounds about right when the studio behind the first one is not behind this one.

That... Is not what cloud-save means.

Yes, the $300 console, with the $20 dollar yearly subscription is offering more value than the $60 NES thumb-drive. This is shocking and outraging!

Did I miss the link to the documentary? I would rather watch it myself before I read the article

They are journalists. The circle of people they move around literally gets paid to have hot takes. I absolutely believe Maddy is surrounded by snarky journalists trying to outdo each other with how contrarian they can be.