
I appreciate your use of the "majestic plural"—I use it when talking to myself.

You guys just made me sad.

Off stage: a repetitive knocking noise in the distance.

Then I'm not sure you like it as much as you think you do.

Ya know, I liked this (not "like" like, but you know) when I thought it was just a Yakov riff, but after giving it a moments thought it's actually a fairly spot on piece of economic analysis. In this case, we are the product.

Sure, sure.  & if it's not, we leave.  I don't like capitalism, but, obnoxious as they are, I don't avoid entertainment I like becuase of commercials.  Don't particularly want to be an apologist, so will stop now, but what do I care about stories I have no intention of reading?  I ignored them before.  I'll continue

All of them, maybe?

I'm actually here to say: 1) I can click a link once in a while, it won't kill me, 2) I love the AV Club and acknowledge that it requires money to survive, 3) I think that if they allow comments on sponsored content, that helps a lot, and 4) it says "sponsored" pretty clearly, so nobody but idiots is getting tricked.

I enjoyed your jape, Sweden.

The year zero stuff is slower paced, and even more home made, but it definitely has its moments—I have all but three or four, and I've enjoyed them. Video quality is atrocious.

Sweet, I will check.

& the other seasons of motherfucking Hill Street Blues

Believe I've seen that—is it the one in the original movie version of "The Illustrated Man"?

Wish list:

I kept trying out variations on this, but I couldn't make it work.

I'ma gonna go ask my gay friends right now.

I played 3.x D&D rules on-line.  That dog won't hunt.

Wouldn't he have to be continuously playing a musical instrument to maintain the charm?

Questions are a burden to others.

You guys know mermen are the next big thing right, after zombies?