

Does anyone want to talk about Dr. Who? I'm kinda excited about the War Doctor.

Necron-99 is pleased this exists.

Chairman Kaga, is that you?

I say this because I like you Archmage, and you need somebody to tell you the truth:

Watched last night.  Better than I remember.

He was 94.  Sounds like he had a good life.  Good for him—though sorry to see him go.

You have correctly perceived America's decline.  I want to reward you & yet to make those who haven't been noticing feel bad for their obliviousness.

As far as I know, just my life. …but I am a giant amalgam of pop culture, so I don't promise I wasn't ripping something off when I was 14.

This reminds me of high school when our friend Peter found out he had athletic ability and joined a team.  He promptly stopped talking to all his old friends.  From that point on, whenever we'd see him in public, I and my friend Chris would shout, "It's our friend Peter Woodson. Hello, good friend Peter!" and similar

Hey…you may be right.

Ya gotta peel the onion.

Welcome to the happy place.

Are you gonna start chasing him around and hitting him with your hat?

The power -I- wield. & you all know it.

I do hate that specifically.

Did he hurt your feelings?


There's a whole hologram meme missing from this joke.  Thus, no 'aha,' and no 'guffaw.'

Perhaps you should be asked to separate yourself from society, in that unfortunate instance.