
one of my favorites is the unofficial summer games poster for "Gremlins" released about a month after it's initial release to capitalize on the Olympics in LA…

Skinemax shaming is the worst.

Where's Arabian Prince? He's not dead. He's right there on the cover of "Straight Outta Compton". Just curious why he isn't in the tour lineup considering he was a part of the group's initial success

glad someone else remembers her role as Lori from "Explorers"

I always wanted there to be a sequel to Joe Dante's 1985 "Explorers" where the kids and Dick Miller's character were about 10 -15 years older trying to go back in space. That's just me though.

I'm glad to see someone else mention these two films. When I first saw the trailer - the b&w photography,long shots, drug allegory and cool people/cool music - all I could see was Christopher Walken and Lili Taylor. Of all the reviews/interviews I've read, I've seen no mention of these two films.