
I doubt The Night Agent has earned anything this delightful:

Maybe it will be some day. She likes playing the character and Harjo seems amenable to the characters spinning off into their own stories.

Maybe spoilers aren’t worth giving that much of a shit about?

Totally agree on Elora’s Dad. That episode murdered me. The best writing on any show this year. I love Tiio Horn, too, so you know the episode has to be good for me to choose it over the Deer Lady ep.

It’s really good and if it weren’t for the fact that Reservation Dogs was also on Hulu I would have considered The Great the best thing on the service while it was on.

She was one of the best reasons to watch the trainwreck that was Hemlock Grove. I got a huge crush on her from that and have been a fan of everything since.

It was a great episode but as it didn’t feature either of the Tori needle drops I have to disqualify it from my personal list.

An important aspect of what you say here is being lost even by you. Yes, a great script can be “hacked to shreds” when a movie gets made. But it is *incredibly* rare for a bad script to be improved enough to justify the time, money, and effort spent on improving it. Anyone who has the skill to turn a bad script good

Not really in editing. By that point there’s no reason to revise it. In production most revisions are practical, not qualitative. Scripts do get revised often between option and production but I’m not sure what your point is. Those revisions don’t generally solve the fundamental problems of bad writing. It’s very

I’m guessing they’re mixed in with the never-was Gym Class Heroes and Dudebro Alpha Males. I wish more wrestling fans were like Simon Miller of WhatCulture Wrestling. Yeah, he’s a jacked dudebro but he’s a softie goofball and understands that wrestling should be fun, not some proxy dick-measuring contest.

Receipts on that last sentence please.

As a horror hound that scene is one of my favorites.

There are obvious differences between the two but “don’t get”? C’mon. The parallels are ALSO pretty obvious.

Update: I just got into the second season and the music is still intact but the image transfer is ass. Like genuinely terrible, I don’t know wtf happened. Thankfully it seems like the second season is the only one that suffers this problem. I thought maybe it was just the first disc but every S2 disc is bad. I threw

It’s much less the “vanilla” part of the term than I dislike than the “midget” part. Too many wrestling fans, particularly of a particular era and particular demographic (aka middle aged white guys), think that “wrestler” has to mean “huge jacked asshole”. In this particular case I can agree that it would be *better*

haha... sorry, unintentional burn. I gotta say, doing the synopsis is and has always been the part of coverage that I hate the most. Part of the issue is that I’m not efficient at it so it always takes me for-fucking-ever and I have never been able to get it down to less than two full pages at my leanest. I also

Yes. And I’m in the know and I hate the term because it’s weird Vince-adjacent bullshit. Wrestlers do not HAVE to be huge. It’s proscriptive nonsense that flies in the face of a LOT of wrestling history and culture, particularly lucha libre and Japanese talent.

I thought so too but they seem... I dunno, weirdly flat? But to be fair I tend to go pre-packaged with my sausage.

1. I don’t think I ever saw that and it’s amazing.

Because I have a phone charger that can charge the second controller and I don’t want to pay for yet *another* compensation for things that shouldn’t need compensation. It’s annoying enough that I bought the charging station for the VR controllers and expanded memory.