
I routinely forget important things while packing (pajamas on one weekend trip, a fresh shirt on another (I managed to pack pants, just not a shirt)). When I’m like “fuuuuuuuuck I forgot socks”, I would be happy to buy cheap fast fashion in vendable form instead of trying to sell my soul for wifi to find an H&M or

and many of us consider the prospect of auto-repelling the men who hold such opinions to be a feature rather than a bug...

“But why hair?”

Perhaps he’d prefer the term “wypipo.”

Call him out. Point out the irony. REVEL in it. Dooooooo iiiiiiiiiit.

I’m sorry, but Obama wore a tan suit to a press briefing. And at one point he put his feet on a desk.

Harry was the best guy on the show.

It doesn’t age well because the main character, Carrie, is a self absorbed asshole.

Is that what we are calling racism now, pet issues? I guess it’s also a pet issue when the Dutch dress up as Zwarte Piet, or when some Aussies go on TV in full blackface singing songs.

Strangely lots of people have pet pigs and pet lambs in America...yet we still consume bacon, hot dogs, lamb chops and rack of lamb......

I’m particularly fond of her asking if using the word makes someone racist while repeatedly using it herself. I’m just asking questions, guys! Don’t mind the fact that I’m gleefully using a racial slur over and over again!

Hey - why don’t you stop using the full spelled-out version of the n-word in your posts? That’s the generally accepted custom, on Jezebel and other news outlets. As you probably know from the article above or if you have a working baseline understanding of American race relations, it’s an incendiary racial slur, and

I keep hoping Donald Trump invites me to the White House just so I can very vocally and publicly turn him down.

Ah, God rest him. The Allman Brothers were a constant in the soundtrack to my life. The people die, but the music lives on.

His Drunk Uncle IS Trump’s America.

Your comment is exactly what immediately sprang in my head.

100% positive that they got a tip from a racist informant. teacher.

Since a lot of NYC teachers wore t-shirts to support the NYPD after the NYPD killed Eric Garner, I’ll be money that, if there was an inside informant, it was a teacher.