
someday, a wonderful lady is going to go FUCKING HAM on someone like matt lauer or don lemon, and that day i will orgasm from mind alone.

It's true, basically feminism is a compilation of Cathy cartoons with more angry swearing. We spend too much time complaining to accomplish anything extra!

I strongly recommend reading the wiki entry on it. I think an important question is why your therapist is recommending it. I skimmed your comment history and it sounds like you already have memories of being abused (encouraging false memories is one of the major criticisms of the book), but I would also be wary of a

Yeah, gawker commenters are pretty much a keg short of a brofest

Thanks for replying, and I'm so sorry you had to go through that too. Hugs.

I am in 100% agreement and am so sorry you had to experience that. I hope you're doing well now, and all the internet hugs in the world to you. It really bothers me how people keep saying definitively there is nothing wrong here. I did not first hear about this from a news outlet. I first heard about this on Facebook

I posted this response in direct reply to the article, but I want to share it here too because I think you're spot-on. Thanks for saying this right off the bat.

this is absurd. If they wanted to be realistic, they'd have the politician responding to the girl's text with a dick pic.

How does one get into a marriage without knowing that one's SO is averse to a relatively common sex act. If this was a new development after years of getting great head, I could see the issue. But if you married her knowing that she doesn't give head you knew what you were getting into.

Chances are the fear comes from either past boyfriends/lovers or her current husband going ahead and blowing without warning, so it seems like the best course of action would be to let her know that it's very easy to tell when you're about to deliver your shipment and go through some practice runs.

"reward her with praise"

BUT BUT BUT WHAT IF THEY LIED? What if they CLAIMED rape to further their own feminazi agendas? What if really he was drunk and SHE was drunk too and she SAYS she said no but she DIDN'T but then she felt like a slut so she said it was rape? WHAT ABOUT THAT, HUH? FALSE ACCUSATIONS, WHAT ABOUT TEH MENZ, etc.

While this is disturbing as fuck for many reasons, the silver lining is that we now have a better study to refer to when discussing this stuff with crazy MRAs. No, it won't change their minds, but at least when these assholes come at us with "DO YOU HAVE ANY SOURCES FOR THAT HMMM WHERE IS MY FEDORA?" we have something