
I want to give Pamela Anderson the biggest, warmest, most appreciative hug I can right now. Such a sad story. It's remarkable whenever anyone can bring much-needed attention to a horrible issue from personal experience, and it's so telling that it's very often years and years after the fact. This is a woman who has

The short answer is the simplest, and the one that will get me the most shit on Deadspin: the patriarchy. Police departments are overwhelmingly male, and have been taught by a misogynist society from birth that their experiences are valid, but experiences that differ from their own are either suspicious or fictional.

I used to work the gift packaging counter at Bed Bath and Beyond. I had a woman come in one day and right from the start she was extremely rude to me. She kept complaining that we don't have wrapping paper (we only use boxes and bags with tissue and ribbon because they are more durable and frankly look nicer). I told

I did a fair amount of oat-sowing my freshman year of college. The school wasn't known for its diversity, and I was one of the few black girls on campus. Since I stuck out like a sore thumb, most of my hookups were followed by a fair deal of boasting and gossip. Depending on your gender, I was commonly referred to as

Whatever. How can this be true when almost every camera is black?

Uniform: Flannel Shirts, Carhartt Pants, Work boots.

Who are you people that can shit on command?

Your joke is making me laugh (50 humor points to House MissGenX). But it also serves to bring up a great point—ANYTHING can be sexualized. OMG. That's why these types of bans are so dumb. Ban leggings. Ban mini-skirts. Ban tight-jeans. My boyfriend thinks I look sexy in baggy sweats and old t-shirts. So let's ban

The good news is, now a bunch of dudes are going to show and state their boob preferences. If you are lucky, maybe they'll like your boobs. Then your life will be complete and the conversation be over. Can't wait.

I'm not going to get into this too much but let me say, I grew up with a parent that was a sexual predator. I was pretty confrontational around things I saw and knew and experienced but there is still something particularly disturbing about living with a sexual offender who offends on the scale as Sandusky that needs

Anecdata is SO FUCKING IMPORTANT! We couldn't understand the world without it...those silly scientists are wasting their time!

Well Jesus, you guys. Thank God THIS person is here to tell us The One True Way of how to look and feel good. Pack it in, scientists! This one person who did one thing that worked for their body is here to save us all from looking unsightly while naked! Because all bodies respond the same to a particular activity.

I was not convinced about climate change until Chipotle threatened my gauc availability. Now I am a truuuueeee believer.