
1. Every time I see a DJT speech breaking into my wall-to-wall viewing of MSNBC, I have to change the channel. Then, after what seems like an unbelievably long time, I think “Well, he must be done by now,” and change back, he’s STILL TALKING. About nothing. Just rambling and basking in the attention one can only

People get all upset with the idea of taxpayers supporting the royal family, and then when they try to save some money and make their wedding a potluck, they all complain about how tacky it is not to spend money on canapes. MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MINDS, YA FILTHY PLEBS.

I absolutely abhor when a guy makes a woman’s shining moment about himself — and to do it in the name of “love” is even more loathsome. Who cares about her career when your love is the real prize, right, guy? UGH. Like that guy who interrupted his GF’s presentation of her work on the Today Show to propose!

Suggestion for both of you: A great table option for small apartments is a drop leaf hide-a-way table. Basically its a folding table that fits the chairs inside of it. So you can use it like a console table most of the time—then when you have guests over, pop it up and pull out the chairs. There are beautiful vintage

smoothie bowls are all the rage on instagram cuz you there’s more surface area on top to decorate.

None of the jokes were about her looks. Anyone who says they were is projecting.

Her most cutting joke came at the end, when the 32-year-old comic took direct aim at the journalists in the room. Mr. Trump, she said, “has helped you sell your papers and your books and your TV. You helped create this monster and now you are profiting from him.”

I really love that they truly don’t understand that they’re proving her point. And IF (a serious IF) they do, they’re likely trying to have their cake and eat it too but fuck all that.

Michelle Wolf was calling her a liar and a gaslighter. That is all true. She would fit right in at with the other aunties in the Handmaid’s Tale. Frankly, I’m disgusted by all the women rushing to her defense. She is not the one that needs to be defended.

Christ, these journalists are just falling over themselves to defend SHS, latching onto a throwaway joke about eyeshadow in their eagerness to keep their places at the Trump feeding trough.

She killed it and didn’t get anywhere near the applause she deserved.

I thought it was the best WHCD performance since Seth Meyers.

That was an epic critique of cable news right to their face. Even though the room was not laughing....I was.

Never forget all the “leftist, progressive” journalists who were caught praising and egging on Milo in his leaked emails along with white supremacists and neo-Nazis.

I think, for Haberman, it’s a combination of (1) wanting to suck up to keep her access to the WH (don’t forget that photo of her with Orange Foolius in the Oval) and (2) butthurt at how Michelle Wolf called journalists like her out.

She even went after JoeMeeka. LMAO:

Conservatives in October 2016: It’s just locker room talk!
Conservatives in April 2018: This lady comedian is so vulgar!

I mean, did they ever watch her stand up, or simply a 10 second clip of it on YouTube? I mean... this should not have been shocking. Michelle Wolf killed it!!!

People keep claiming that Wolf makes fun of Sarah Slanders’ physical appearance, and I’m still trying to figure out where she does that. The smoky eyes and Aunt Lydia jokes were so fucking obviously about the lies and the bullshit.

“Nothing cuts so deeply as the truth.”