
That woman is a master of her instrument. Like, she sings so seemingly effortlessly but I remember watching something where she was talking about breath control and all this other stuff especially when she’s singing upside down in her shows. Just brilliant. It’s no wonder she’s still in such control when she’s not

As a suicide prevention advocate and a suicide loss survivor, I urge you to follow guidelines about reporting on suicide, which include not including method of death, especially in a headline:

People in positions of power like this need to understand that if abuse has occurred but you were not aware of it, it just means that you have not created an environment where people can safely come forward and report. Your ignorance is as much an indictment as if you knew and did nothing.

There’s no way it happened that quickly. More likely, she knew she was leaving and decided to throw caution to the wind and speak the truth, without having to worry about what faux liberal white ladies would do. The backlash in the media didn’t seem as bad as I expected, actually.

Melba toast, caviar, sour cream, a little bit of onion, and some soft egg. We barely had any money and I STILL somehow know that.

Remind me again about how women’s rights are playing identity politics and they’re a distraction?

And I found it charming when men told me that I was beautiful or I had a nice little backside.

She makes a super good point I never thought about. Every time there’s a pay gap in Hollywood, people point out that the male star’s so much more famous than the female lead. I never connected that with the fact that they treat actresses so disposably that so few of them ever get to reach their stature.

Wow love how quickly people read this frank discussion of how the economics of Hollywood disenfranchise women, and went; “Fuck her she said a mean thing about Faye Dunaway.”

That’s the name of his next movie. An old guy travels back in time to rescue his great-great-great-great-great (why not) grandmother from being burned at the stake. It turns out that she is really a witch and she summoned him back in time to kill the governor .

I don’t really l care about Seal or his thoughts, but I don’t want Oprah to run for president.

“The majority of women in the workplace are not tender creatures and are largely adept at dealing with all varieties of uncomfortable or hostile situations,” Roiphe wrote in the New York Timesin 2011. “Show me a smart, competent young professional woman who is utterly derailed by a verbal unwanted sexual advance or

It’s not only Ugenti-Rita who was targeted by Shooter and his Republican allies. Rebecca Rios, the Democratic Minority Leader who was also targeted with an ethics complaint which seek to remove her from leadership duties during the investigation. She’s also a survivor of domestic abuse.
Arizona State Legislature has

Isn’t it possible that she didn’t remember the Dylan aspect of the story and only knew the more sensationalized Soon-Yi part of the story? I’m about Greta’s age and I did not remember much about Dylan’s role in all of this until just a few years ago.

No one has a problem with sex and seduction, IN THE PROPER CONTEXT. What part of DON’T DO IT AT WORK is so fucking hard to understand? And if you are trying to seduce a woman and she’s giving you clues like “NO” and “PLEASE DON’T” you know, maybe you suck at it.

What’s more romantic than watching your boss jerk off into a plant??? American women JUST DON’T GET IT!

Anyone else noticing the trend that the women who are coming out to cry about how wrong #MeToo and other campaigns are all tend to be of a certain older age and higher social class?

Yes to this. I do not see Jenna in a desperate-to-keep-the-high-school-vibes alive way. I see her as someone who is keenly aware of the show’s impact on the fans, and how much the fans love her/that show, and is therefore kind about the continued interest and questions about it. Everyone’s favorite celebrities embrace

“Makes me wonder what she thought a “fat girl proposal” was.”

Hell, the stuff she said about Odell Beckham, ON HER OWN BLOG, was enough to convince me she’s a terrible person and racist.