
Miller was in her life for much longer than Davidson, Miller was there for her through the horror of the bombing and the concert after it....not to mention what I’m sure she went through trying to help him cope with his addiction. I suspect, like a lot of people, she didn’t break up with him because she didn’t love

May that Mariah Carey song haunt your dreams forever

the earliest white settlers in africa wrote back about how africans were performing pain free c sections, difficult surgeries using herbs and stuff. marvelling at how cases that usually resulted in death back in western countries werent happening here. in europe they were insisting that women had to be in pain cause

2018 is the year The Funk returned.

Hey, friendly reminder.

Conservatives in October 2016: It’s just locker room talk!
Conservatives in April 2018: This lady comedian is so vulgar!

That verifies the anecdotal horror stories, and I’m glad you’re having a positive experience in a field that can be difficult for women, and totally #notallmen etc., but this study that suggests even quiet and polite men are more likely to view themselves as smarter than women, which speaks to a huge gender/cultural

Honest to gob, some of the men that I’m the most frustrated with during the whole #metoo movement are gay men. I’ve got a few gay colleagues who think that being gay gives them a pass on the shitty way they treat women and I. am. over. it.

Dude your former roommate AJ is on the Shitty Media Men list. Your Pot Therapy co-host called what Roman Polanski did “banging a thirteen year old” right here on Jezebel. Maybe people should be badgering YOU on #MeToo.

I have seen many replies from Peace Corp folk and those that are admonishing them but none from anyone identifying as ‘African’ (yet). I will not represent aaall of us, I will only represent those of us that feel that the aid industry is merely an offshoot of coloniality. We are not helpless and our ways are not

She’s not allowed to make political statements. William is president of Bafta. Why should she sit out? Can we stop vilifying women who aren’t doing Times Up well enough?

Timberlake and Fallon are, like, an object lesson in how Hollywood will take anything that is kind of charming and drive it into the ground until you not only hate it, you hate yourself for ever having liked it.

He would never have shared the stage with you in life, Justin, you entitled, jumped up, knock-down bargain basement Michael Jackson tribute act twat.

Does the entire world have amnesia? Do we all not remember what Vice was in the early days? Even for the nineties, the level of misogyny, homophobia, & just vile, puerile shittiness towards anyone not like them was insane. But, of course, always cloaked in a hip, ironic, wink wink, we don’t really mean it vibe.

A teen dramedy about a traditionally pretty blonde white girl taking her power back from a fat chick, a black girl and a gay dude, as the adults marvel how crazy it is that people like her aren’t already at the top of the pyramid. What could go wrong?

From the title, I thought this post was going to be about six cliched white-girl characters found in movies and TV.

The absolute worst thing about LEOs is that they will. Not. Back. Down. For. ANYTHING. They can be wrong as fuck, but once they get started no amount of reasoning can appeal to them. They barge into the wrong homes all the fucking time, they forcible detain the wrong people all the fucking time, they kill or maim the

No, absolutely not. It does not matter how much they are paid or how much they are in the public eye. Having naked images of you stolen and then being blackmailed to prevent their release is 100% NOT part of their job.