
I’m of the view there’s no appropriate time to release a film like this and maybe we can stop making films that pedal the fantasy that any teenage girl would be interested in gross older guys altogether. The fantasy is entirely ONE-SIDED.

“‘Everybody needs to gain 10 pounds to be in this video,’ Pink, in classic form, told her backup performers upon seeing them in costume.”

Yup. He circled the restaurant I was in until my friend and I made a dash for it.

I wouldn’t exactly call two serial killers ‘plenty’, and Gacy’s victims were children, which I consider a different category. The highest risk of death for women between the ages of 18 and 42 is violence. The overwhelming perpetrators of that violence are men. There is no comparison.

I’m disappointed you didn’t point out they are mostly women of color. That’s important, yo.

I’m really disappointed that so many people commenting on this post just want to vent on this guy for being an idiot on gun control for so long. Yes, he was stupid, now he wants to change for the better. Any positive change, whether civil rights, women’s suffrage, LGBT rights etc. has required people who were wrong to

Yes!!! My favorite quote, in life, not just in this movie, is:

It seems logical to allow teens who are old enough to get hormonal birth control to get proper treatment for being trans. Neither should require parental consent. If they’re old enough to control their body’s hormones then they’re old enough to control their body’s hormones.

I love that the Satanic Temple makes it their beeswax to be as ridiculously litigious as they can whenever shit like this happens. They are good eggs.

Fittingly, the face of the campaign is Gay/New York Icon and “Queen of the Club Kids” Susanne Bartsch.

Society allows white men to make mistakes. Women and POC not so much. It was never about her emails. Just like how people aren’t really mad at the kneeling for the national anthem. They’re mad that black men are being uppity.

Except that hunger is due to poverty, not some lack of farmland or yield. And if there just wasn’t enough food, we could start with the 30% we throw out...

She quickly cut back that I shouldn’t respond to hate w/ hate

Why did you just rattle off a bunch of random Asian dudes? Wouldn’t it need to be specifically someone of mixed raced descent who is both Japanese and white? Steven Yeun is Korean if I am not mistaken. Same with Kang and Kyson. It is wildly offensive for you to just assume that all people from Asia are the same.

You don’t have to take Kanye’s side to detest the White Woman victimhood and fragility Swift has used to her advantage for years. Taylor Swift playing those types of games are harmful in their own way just as Kanye’s misogyny and general bullshit are harmful.

Me: I’m going to be strong & fearless from now on.

It needs to be stressed that this wouldn’t have happened without crowd-sourcing his identity. The Cville police have made no effort to investigate these people. Every single arrest has come only because private citizens have identified these people and assembled evidence themselves.

Whenever anyone starts with me on that “political correctness” foolishness, I just call them a racist and watch how, all of the sudden, words hurt lol