They did the chef dirty in the newest Muppets show.
They did the chef dirty in the newest Muppets show.
He didn’t ask himself what octoroks, lizalfos, and Hylians actually were?
My dog loves the smell of chocolate, and doesn’t understand why she can’t taste the forbidden treat.
My late dog King was a very meat driven guy most of his life. He would do almost anything for chicken. When he was about 10, he had some health issues and suddenly decided that he wanted to try things he previously made faces at, like oranges. They became his favorite thing, for the rest of his life. He got very nasty…
And then, there’s my cousin’s pit mix, who begins shaking—actual full-body shuddering—in anticipation when a baguette is being sliced
Sure...use water from the tap, wash off the chemtrails, but add fluoride. It’s a no-win scenario.
If Sandy Hook didn’t affect the hearts or actions of the country, I’m not so sure this would have the impact you are hoping for.
“There’s a cost to everything”
“...I have no experience in the south...” but that certainly hasn’t stopped you from speaking rather authoritatively about it. Your self-confidence is impressive. Also, pretty much everything Americans know about racism we learned from the Britain, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, etc. Exactly who did you think was here…
What gets me, as a hunter is when people who eat meat show distaste for hunting. I go out and shoot a deer that lived an entirely free life, doesn’t suffer (at most runs 30 yards and falls over dead), and harvest as much meat as I can from it. That is far more ethical in my eyes than heading down to the grocery store…
“In Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and many other countries, SCHOOLS ARE OPEN WITH NO PROBLEMS,” President Trump tweeted on Tuesday.
I think the video looks fine.
The worst people in the world to work with as a single mother are dudes who are childless or who have stay at home wives. They have literally no concept of how much work kids are, or expect that any/all childcare duties are a woman’s responsibility. They also seem to think that kids can be made to be completely silent…
Again, people don’t quit jobs — they quit bosses. And we’re rapidly determining which companies are trying to do the right thing, and which are just... fucking terrible.
Removing Jesus from churches? Disruption of the nuclear family?
You’re more generous than I am. WTF is a Radley.
Listen. Adoption is such a long, arduous, painful, confusing, emotional, EXPENSIVE process that the idea anyone would or could go through it as some kind of popularity stunt or money-making enterprise (omg) is absurd. I mean, I think vlogging the whole thing like this is in very bad taste, but reasonable minds can…
Don’t put the “blame” on just bars. In a Huntington Beach deli/convenience store last weekend, there were 10 or so customers. I was the only one in a mask besides the counter workers. I asked the surfer “dude” type cashier guy (who is usually friendly/funny) “Why aren’t these people wearing masks?”
It seems like tying in explicit and hard-coded stats into a race is relatively innocent at first (of course Orcs are stronger and Elves more charismatic or whatever).
The notion that entire, sentient races are naturally predisposed to certain levels of intelligence, or moral alignments, is baked into the game. That’s not the same as talking about “good and bad sides”.