
I just boil it for twentyish minutes before and after period. Not sure what cleansers would do that boiling/sterilization can’t?

Not to be a downer, but when all the extended relatives started dying. When the realization of, “Oh my god, all these people are going to keep dying... while I’m alive” which now sounds dumb af.

I work in the entertainment business and it is so disheartening to see several, SEVERAL coworkers past and present essentially boycotting Blackfish because they’ve done work for/with/at SeaWorld. “I refuse to watch it. No one sees how much rehabilitation they do. These animals have no where else to go and they’re

“It was never funny” is what I’m going to start saying to everyone when they ask why I’m not laughing.

That is awesome that you’re with a new guy that you share views with! My bf and I share pretty identical political views AND we’re burned out on it. We’re at the point where we don’t need to talk about it besides the occasional complaint and news share. “Did you see insert-new-Cheetolini-bullshit?” “Yeah, let’s try to

Long time Jez reader, first time commenter. Even if this stays in the grays, Madeleine - THANK YOU for putting my thoughts into essay form. I have been feeling this exact, nearly indescribable rage cocktail since election night and it only swells larger each time Cheeto sharts into the public’s face.