
What is the nature and underlying mechanism of time?

Name: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

Comcast's new album, Ryan, drops next week.

All the early body horror stuff is great: Shivers, Rabid, The Brood, and Videodrome along with Scanners. Middle period Cronenberg is more restrained, but if you liked The Fly try Dead Ringers. Naked Lunch and History of Violence are misfires IMHO, but Eastern Promises is excellent.

Battlestar Galactica

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

I'm gonna say it.

District 9

This is perfect. The vid editor chose the best moments, especially Tyrian's, for the goofy character intros. Jon Snow with the puppy is another great one. The picture quality, the font and the framing is all really authentic looking. Such talent. Much impressed. The tracking lines! How did he do that?

I am working on Superman and the New Gods right now. How's that?

When TNG first went on the air Worf was basically there to grunt and get his ass kicked. Then when they started trying to expand his character, it just made him worse. It wasn't until DS9 that they were finally able to expand him in a direction that worked.

The only time Aquaman has ever been awesome.

You know why it's different? Because if I were asked to go to three different showers, buy a tux and go to a destintion bachelor party I, and every single one of the groom's friends, would tell the groom to go fuck himself.

As a somewhat loyal subject of her majesty, i would like to say it would be nice for her to abdicate and let her freeloader of a son have a real job for once. Being on the throne for more than 60 years is quite a remarkable achievement with that family around, screwing up all the time.She must be the world champion of

The rest of the note:

This guy's not impressed. Then again, he can't see it.