Fenestron would also be a viable option
Fenestron would also be a viable option
Do you have confirmation someone *purchased* said $135k Raptor or was it just listed as that price?
Given the post crash fire (and extinguishing) DNA evidence would likely not be viable...I’m thinking seat position (could be tall child/short man, but probably not) and location of bodies played a role in determining driver.
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It’s there job to get them from the cart corrals, not to correct the behavior of customers who are lazy.
I agree with the supply chain piece. Numbers from ‘20-’21 are always going to be skewed based on the semiconductor issues and manufacturers diverting the supply chain they had into pricier models that had better profit margins. Can't sell what you don't make.
You should look up the term inflation...$18k 11 years ago is ~$23.5k now. So technically you spent more then than what the used $18-20k car is worth now.
The red ‘911' in the headrests and the stitching on the shift boot just look... Gauche. The image of the seats does this issue no favors as the leather looks puckered where the shoulder/headrest stitching is located. I dunno what would makes this look better, but as is it’s just not very attractive compared to most…
Exit only is still important as you are indicating your intention. Plenty of drivers out there use exit only lanes as a “free lane” only to abort at the end (no indicators used typically on wanting to re-enter other lanes). You have indicators so using them EVERY TIME is the purpose of the device not because of your…
I’m with you it’s not really an impressive amount given HP numbers from B-series engines...the only plus is the 129lb-ft at 4500rpm vs the 111@7000 in the B16 that would give the 318 more tractability in 8/10 and below daily driving. I’d still prefer the drama of 8000 RPM gear changes.
No point missed for me as I understand the issues with vehicles in The District (or any dense urban environment). The point you are missing is that EVs are a blessing to us city dwellers as it reduces exhaust and noise pollution which are both great benefits overall (unfortunately they are heavy which is the point of…
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If you read the article you would see that facts still matter... EVs get a 1000lb adjustment up but would still have to likely pay more with the new plan. So they get a not insignificant break, but things like the EV pick-ups won’t get the discount (i.e. 9000lb Hummer EV).
Ranking at the end should be:
The Mazda diesel was less of a flop and more of a "we basically copied a TDI yet can't get the emissions to work like VW"...2015 told us what that issue was.
There was negative joy in both doing a web search for and then resharing the image, but it sums the image issue with H-D pretty well.
Wouldn’t look out of place where I live (D.C.)! But also not the typical rider for the brand in general
“HD does seem to be on a product / design roll, but I continue to be amazed by the number of people who hate HD because... they’re HD. So very odd.”
It’s less about enforcement of drunk driving laws and more about restitution for MURDER as a result of drunk driving. Currently the victims’ family has to sue the perpetrator in civil court... which is burdensome to the victims. If perpetrator is found guilty of vehicular homicide while drunk, this law allows for the…
I wouldn’t say everyone gets fucked... even if the offender can’t pay it’s exactly as it is today. This just adds to the punishment that if they can pay, they will legally have to (fittingly so given the offender murdered someone by the choices they made). So offender is fucked (and their hypothetical family is also…