This reads as “never been caught” so you are also an IDIOT
This reads as “never been caught” so you are also an IDIOT
<checks burger for mayo before eating>
Scratched glass is way more likely from worn down or missing wiper blades causing the plastic or metal wiper frames coming in contact with the glass not from ice on the blades. While defrost will heat the windshield, unless you have a heated windshield with heating elements where the wipers sit it's better to pop them…
Those examples are not defined as "merging" they are strictly asshats being asshats. I don't see the value in bringing it up as they are two separate topics.
Then it should be the dealership’s responsibility to provide this, without need for request; that’s honest business. If businesses can’t find a way to be honest, welp, that’s a government interaction aNd laws I support.
I learned adhesive and riveting in Kindergarten (glue paste and staples)
And...they brought back SH-AWD on the 3rd generation. Was the 3.0l vs 3.5l justified because of a vehicle class/tax reason? Honda was cautious (too cautious IMO) during the recession and into the teens, but feels a bit more reinvigorated with the recent generation of models. I’m excited to see the CR-V alternative to…
#4. Glad to know we can continue to blame the Germans for this theme
(Mild) speed humps are truly the way to go as I can at least take those in 2nd. Speed bumps and tables require that damn downshift to 1st.
It was the 2nd officer who arrived that broke the window, not the first one (based on the post above). I mean, what’s the point of pulling over for you just to sit there? Sure, we don’t know what was said yet (unclear about body camera), but this is extremely odd behavior for the driver not to roll window down and…
Yes, drivers should be more responsible and follow the traffic laws.
Why did the driver not want to roll down his window? Oh right he was drunk. Do you think he knew people shouldn’t drink and drive. Yep. And he chose to do it anyway. With kids in the car. You know, people just need to accept the consequences when they are wrong, but this guy clearly didn't get that memo that would…
The root cause of the pursuit and related deaths occuring was the driver fleeing, not the pursuit itself. There are other ways the death could also occur, but the tactics used are likely what is in place and allowable by the police department and approved by subsequent government agencies put in place by...our votes.…
Wait, so they pull him over (and the guy complies by pulling over) then won’t engage the cops at that point. So....who escalated it? Obviously there was some time between the back-up arriving and the initial officer seeing the guy is not going to talk. So...they should just then let him go and ‘catch up with him…
Having a red/green color deficiency this is not a good idea for that segment of the works just fine, just need to continue using the switch in intensity for lights on vs. brakes apply. No need to reinvent something that doesn't have an issue.
Uhh because I have family that also lives here and the city itself is amazing? You can actively not like one aspect of something while having much enjoyment from other aspects.
LoL 😂 passive aggressive much? DC traffic is stupid but you sound like part of the problem. Probably from Maryland as the joke goes.
I mean they tried the horse meat ones as I recall and most people were displeased.