
Really?! You think her picking up the white knight (which at this point can symbolize everything from Lena herself, to Supergirl..or even be a hint to "Checkmate") with an ominous look on her face, and a few seconds of that music we as audience members have been conditioned to associate with betrayal, scheming and

Interesting thought!

I agree with you on pretty much everything. Every ounce of hope I had for Mon-El actually showing some non-superficial character development died with every new episode. This one was just the giant lead-laced nail in the coffin.
Winn and James on the other hand (even though the latter has fallen victim to some bad

Poignant and all in all excellent recap!

As a gay woman who would immensely enjoy a Kara/Lena romance and is as frustrated by the "1% audience" comment that guy makes as you.

It might be that I haven't slept enough but this gem of a comment made me laugh out loud and nearly die by coffee inhalation at 6 am. The incredulous inflexion that I automatically applied while reading it probably factored into that, too. Anyway… thank you for letting me start my day with an honest smile on my lips.

Well she did dial back on the lip biting XD. But the flirty looks… I love the flirtatious looks. I'd give Kara Danvers - or Melissa Benoist for that matter - flirty looks, too, if I could. Although mine would be nowhere near as smooth as McGrath's (more like "cramp in my eyelid from trying to stare engagingly at that

I totally read that initial part as "I hope they make her more gay…", which in my humble and entirely subjective opinion is an EXCELLENT idea (I mean …Katie McGrath seems to be doing a pretty great job at that already). XD Sorry. Got my lezzie-goggles on. But on a less wishful and more serious note: I totally