
Well, it’s an M3, personally I tend to buy cars like that, that have desirability in the used market in case I need to sell my car or just want a change. Like, this would never happen with a Fusion. People look for a good, used M3, nobody looks for a Fusion, you just end up with one for reasons.

One off sales of unique cars will always occur.

This is not just any E46. It is the special M56 SULEV version. The valve cover is a dead giveaway.

Why? I’ve owned an E46. Forget the $3900 purchase price. It will cost $3900 every year in maintenance alone...if you’re lucky. And for what? A slow, cramped wagon, in a boring color, with fake leather and a slushbox?

Funny thing is.... I used to be interested in Tesla (in theory... it’s a tad outside my price range).  I’ll admit I had concerns about QC though.  Now, ain’t no way I’ll buy a Tesla.  Musk is just too fuckin’ crazy.  I mean I had no illusions he wasn’t a bit... off.  But that guy is just too Bond Villian-ie for my

At this point I would pay more to not have a screen in my car. My ‘11 e91 BMW manages to do everything I need to do in a car with 2 knobs, a 2-line display, and a row of buttons. If I need to navigate, I have a perfectly lovely 6.7" phone.

No bar, only enough room for one prostitute, that stock seat doesn’t even recline and I don’t see a single flat surface fit for snorting cocaine. CP.

I can’t believe these stupid ass comments on Jalopnik. 

Some things I like. Some that make me go WTF? The roof rack, for one because, who the hell does that with a muscle car? His choice of photo locations also means he doesn’t have a faint clue as to how to ‘present’ something he’s trying to unload.

Honestly I get too much of we hate cars vibe in this place. Some people who know and love cars and don’t live in NYC would be nice. I agree on Steph, she was great. Honestly David Tracy, NPOCP and Tom’s car buying stuff is what keeps me around. Most of the rest seems pretty amateur-hour if I’m being honest. Also

Move the office, or, hire remote workers. A bunch of millenials in New York city that are completely disconnected from the automotive world. NYC is not a haven for enthusiasts. Also, hire Steph and Kristen back with salaries they can actually live on.

This isn’t some new-found conflagration; airliners have always been super-spreaders. Jalops will be on here next week whining about Delta charging them $400 to go visit Aunt Jackie in Newark, who’s on a ventilator, poor thing! Why isn’t anybody offering flights for $40?

Article is incorrect. The total shipping weight of this package (which includes the new intake, new throttle body, throttle body adapter, some sort of calibration thing, and all the packaging they come in) is just under 20 lbs all together. Seems about normal considering the size of a throttle body and an intake on a

Ford racing website says the shipping package is 19.75 lbs. So throw away the box and packaging and remove the old throttle body and intake from your car and it should be a wash for weight *don’t try and install this kit with out removing the old parts first.

Fired Take: Guess I’ll buy a Tempo.

To be fair, so does the Urus.

If you spend 2000 actual dollars to make your Prius look like this, frankly you need competent mental health counselling, there’s no way around it.

I had a friend with one of these in highschool. The gas gauge dropped when you hit the go pedal faster than the speedometer climbed.

Gorgeous car, insane price.

Where I live they decided it would be a great idea to pave over travel lanes and put in bike lanes. They also have a trail system, some of which runs alongside the roads. “Real” cyclists don’t use the bike lanes, preferring to ride in the roadway, sometimes alongside the bikers using the bike paths. They also fail to