
Well, if Lauren had gastric bypass like Caroline, she'd be thin, too. Caroline's spiel about the Laurita side being thin is pretty weak.

Caroline threw the lady who was helping to prosecute Joe Giudice out of Melissa's party. That's pretty loyal. Of course, Caroline hates Kim G., but she can ignore her.

I think that Caroline started getting fed up with Teresa during the trip in Italy last season. Since then, her patience for Teresa has waned. Now that Teresa handed her a (lame) excuse to be pissy, she took it and is riding it. If it is true that Teresa is angry at Jacqueline about telling her that some woman is

Not slapping a co-worker's ass seems like a pretty tacit rule in a workplace.

This man IS a lunatic. Going barefoot? Ugh.

I've seen her in "Pride & Prejudice" and "An Education." She was great in both supporting roles.

I really like Rosamund Pike. She should be cast in more movies.

@noonecaresowen: I can't believe it's not on TV this season. Hmph.

@cbytes: isn't a blue moon the 2nd full moon in a calendar month?

@Susanna-Banana: I never realized how much people relish telling pregnant women horror stories. Then again, I've never been in this position before. Thanks for the good birth story!

This may not be the best thread for me to read as a woman in her seventh month of pregnancy. Still, my body is engineered to make and deliver this kid, so I'll be fine. If the pain gets to be too much, there are always Demerol and Epidurals. I'm really hoping I won't need a's to hoping.

@snacktastic: Gilbert started western Colonialism?

@toohotforporncareer: His deal was canceled because he wouldn't be "controversial." I think it means he wasn't going to crap on his ex.

@Belle723: Love, love, love "Eve's Bayou"!

@brightpeonies: I LOVE the buttered popcorn jelly bellies. You're not alone.