
As someone who grew up in an era when the acronym LGBTQ meant something in regards to community, and there was solidarity found among all individuals who identified as queer this whole discord really pains me. I feel the real problem is the patriarchal system of oppression and capitalism. Those who have oppressed us

THIS! I have absolutely no idea how one could watch that whole show and still call her crazy eyes! How little empathy do people have, really? Way to miss the point. The point is that you go into the show having simplistic stereotypical ideas about everyone (like Piper does) in there and your personal skewed views are s

There was a spread in Entertainment Weekly recently that had her labelled as "Crazy Eyes." I was like, "buh?" Because she is on-record as not wanting her character to be known by that nickname. So I wonder why that still seems to be happening in publications and other publicity materials.

Look, guys, her name isn't Crazy Eyes. It's Suzanne. I know she isn't real but it's sad that people still call her that after she's clearly stated that she doesn't like or understand it. This happens to people IRL and it's pretty bad, can we stop now? Thanks.

I.... Just.... Why? That doesn't apply to any situation, ever.

I made a cake for my boyfriend's birthday and I had a local cake supply store print an edible image I compiled of the Tennessee Titans and my boyfriend's name on it with his age. I decided to snip off the corner of the sheet that wasn't going to be on the cake to try it. It was so gross. It tasted like chalky

I really hate the whole "well gay people should learn to be more tolerant of people who think they are disgusting subhumans!" thing. I think that the man (I don't know any of their names, not rewatching find out) when he very accurately pointed out that LGBT individuals spend their entire lives learning to negotiate

thats weird - but so go all fundamentalist people - maybe it was done out of concern for them in some warped sense of radical balance huh ? anyway thankYou for replying : )

Maybe we need a second opinion from Dr. Doge. I'm pretty sure he's just as qualified as Rove, Ham OR Karl.

Trans women are women. Even trans women who are assholes and have ideologies we cannot fathom are still women. Plenty of cis women out there with terrible ideologies. *coughconservativescough,* do they suddenly stop being women because they discount rape culture, or patriarchy, or are anti-choice, etc, etc. No. So

puts on a nice sweater, sits in front of a cozy fire

What you describe as destruction is what a growing majority of queer women call growth and inclusion. Maybe it's your doomsaying that is driving women away.

I'm glad she lost, good on the voters. but you don't seem to get it. You don't get extra credit for doing the right thing. Maybe a golfclap? This is the sort of shit you're supposed to do anyway, I sure as fuck don't owe you a damn thing for it.

The only time it's appropriate to talk about the death penalty and abortion is to point out the hypocrisy of the "Pro-Life" movement. A lot of politicians/supporters of "pro-life" bullshit support the death penalty and aggressive military measures overseas. Hence, they are not in fact "pro life" they are anti-abortio

She isn't the first upper-level GOP official in MI to say this kind of crap; Dave Agema has been saying this kind of shit for years, and the newer, younger GOPeons have not been able to force him out.

Where exactly do you see bi hatred? No one hates bisexuals here, in fact I'm defending many of them here There is a very respectable bisexual with a very long and intelligent commenting history in this thread right now arguing the same thing I am. Regardless, I challenge you to find any negative language against

Economic issues are more important than the trivial social issues because economic issues, unlike social issues, actually affect all those wealthy white guys controlling our fucking government.

This. This is why I detest the entire Republican party, rather than just the wingnuts.

The best senior prank at my high school was not in my year. In Southern California, the campuses are open air - many separate buildings of classrooms strung across a wide area. There was a little shortcut between two of the buildings. Some senior class pranksters bricked it up. This cracked me up even though it