
I hope this season gets into what is going on currently in theoretical and astrology physics. First season was kindeed of a bore, didn’t blow my mind once, I want Cosmos to blow my mind.

So is this going to be the new Patriot or the old one? Did they just “ministry of information” out the whole Bradley storyline? That would be a shame.

As far as Rain Johnson is concerned, that stuff is meaningless, Anothe may use it, may not, WHO KNOWS? AND why bother?

I think they might use Connor Hawke, got time travel, tech, drama with his dad plus won’t break the bank effects wise.

I don’t watch much anime, but it seems like the crestors stright up dont give a crap about non Japanese senceabilities, they are mad public about their kinks, so if you are a non kinky fan, what is the recourse?

Now playing

The irony if a huge D&D nerd playing Flash Thompson should be aknowledged.

Anybody know what he actually did?

Look, I have been dealing with this a long time, I just make my own adventures in my own world, that is what the game is about.

Well if he’s trying to do a “Gotham as a real city thing”, it seems like he was inspired by season one of the Wire, the Joker gains support from the black community in that same manner as the mayoral candidate, I think that’s what he is going for.

Well.....he did call out Harvey Weinstein way ahead of the curve, Hannibal Burris style.

Well.....he did call out Harvey Weinstein way ahead of the curve, Hannibal Burris style.

Are you saddened that it’s not an adaptation? If you didn’t see it, how can you be saddened by it?

They should have jumped 5 to 10 years between each season, the mad science thing could have worked well in the mid 50s, then maybe a super slick take set in the 60s?

Wasn’t the biggest fan of the Mon El storyline, but it did give is Terry Hatcher chewing some scenery. Also I feel like there is an easy fix to the James Olsen character, write him as if the Jimmy Olsen comics haopened to him. Elongated Lad, Flamebird, Giant Turtle Monster Jimmy, all of it. Write him like he grew up

I hear ya on the general point,but she’s 34, he’s 44, that’s not so bad.

They should make this as penance.

More reserve judgment until actually see it, less give it a chance.

Nope, you ignore the dynamic of slaves as capital, not just labor.

I’m going to reserve judgment until I actually see it, but I think simmering tensions verging on a third civil war could definitely be a timely story to tell.

I couldn’t get past the fight scenes, dude didn’t sell me?