
I guess Poe was feeling it because he and his squad destroyed a PLANET SIZED GUN the PREVIOUS DAY and SAVED THE GALAXY. While the bombers and capital ships were doing. .... something important. Probably not saving the galaxy important. But I’m sure it was worth not participating in a attack to...SAVE THE GALAXY. Did I

THey could just say that black badges are some kind of special operations, leave it at that.

I really want a gag reel from Jessica Jones with Malcom doing a “I’ll handle this one...MORPHING TIME!”

I too am glad for the update to the pairs dynamic, I’ll say this though, the addiction went both ways, at least initially, dagger needed cloak to “siphon off” excess energy. Know what, that sounds kind of bad now that I wrote it out.

Was anyone excited got Guardians of the Galaxy?

Also twice in ROJ.

The Shape of Water was a better movie and deserved to win, Get Out was the better screenplay, tight, original, engaging, it deserved to win. Though Ladybird was an incredible screenplay and it would have won in any other year.

in the book people were allowed to live only to 21 because of population control. The world was run by a bunch of rich old folks, hordING the remaining recourses. Francis was part of a resistance, and was older, sanctuary ws on mars.

They are talking about the depiction of the military, for instance, they never disobey lawful orders, things like that.

Just put out more media to contradict the TFA media? Why bother at this point. this really necessary?

Ooof..I feel like the only way to salvage this is to have Rey fall and Kylo have to fight her, she has already beat him twice in TFA, once with the mind thing and once in the Sabre duel. It’s hard to take him seriously as a threat to her.

They could have it take place on Earth 3, maybe older versions of the heros that have been active for some time.

He is an unreliable narrator.

Interesting article, here’s the thing, Star Trek is science fiction, it’s themes are timely, the best sci-fi reflects the times its made in. That’s where Discovery succeeds as a concept. Star Wars is epic fantasy with spaceships. Epic fantasies themes are timeless, the eternal struggle and the heros journey, that’s

Best film, worst sequal.

I have to say I love this show, and I really want to cross ovet with the Flash, the fact that Barry was raised by a black man is never a thing in the Flash, and that’s a good thing in a way, but it leaves behind some potentially interesting storytelling. I want Barry to know who Ashford and Simpson are, and for Jeff

Counter point, Poe literally saved the resistance from Starkiller Base the day before, so LeIa was way out of character, and if he hadn’t destroyed the fleet killing dreadnought, it would have followed them when they jumped, and well, killed the fleet....that subplot was just bad, because the plot drove the

Black Lightning was originally a backup in Action Comics I believe, and he was firmly established in Metropolis. He was later associated with Batman, so I think being on Supergirls earth could lead to some interesting stories. Could you imagine the eye rolling fun as the Pierce family rolls through National City?

Had several problems with the movie, that was not one of them.