Woody Mellow

You're assuming I'm not already aware on Moores' views on magic and paganism and religions. I'm also aware of the sense of wry humour  he approaches many things in his life , including comments he makes to journalist when constantly asked about new adaptations of his books ( a humor that is never acknowledged even

It seems like you take some of the things he says seriously, like his claim that he thinks he has magic powers, for instance.

His other main complaint was that they turned the story into a simplistic conspiracy theory in which the populace was duped via a 9/11 type tragedy to accept draconian laws that ushered in a fascist state instead of ,as in the book and  a pointed criticism of the complacency of the masses that allow such systems to

I think more importantly we need to address what Moore is claiming/complaining is being 'recycled', and it is not 'characters'. Its IDEAS.That's the point that often being missed.

You see, this what makes this article such a shoddy piece of
reporting. Its inconceivable this was published with its blatant

I think artistic intent and purpose, not to mention execution, goes a long way to illustrate the difference in those two situations, actually.

I'm not sure those paragraphs do 'explain' Moore's hypocrisy, Sean, but rather what might be argued as your wrongheaded take on the matter