is there some secret knock because I can't see any comments at all. Using firefox I've turned off sharemenot, ghostery, no script, adblocker, pop up blocker, and things that shouldn't have any effect like https everywhere and collusion and nothing.
An "absence seizure" does not typically present with thrashing most people associate with grand mal seizures. Instead it manifests as brief and often reoccurring complete loss of awareness and function. A person suffering from such a seizure often stops doing whatever they were doing at the time and remains in a fixed…
Barbie does have a pretty sweet 328 GTS.
Here is my problem with this.
The show was MEGA Factories on National Geographic, it shows a lot more of the building and assembly of the cars and company, but less tech.
Hennessey Venom GT, the fastest way to transmit Hep C.
You are correct.
Every parent knows when you show a kid how to do something, and give them praise for doing it they repeat it. They do it over and over and over despite being told to stop.