Ferrari Classiche does this as well, they keep detailed info on every part they have built since 1947 and have all the original tooling machines and an in house foundry to make any part you may ever need.
Sadly, putting my ID in the pocket of my PFD is the first thing I do when I go kayaking.
That's a fallacy. Europeans don't hate us. In fact they love us. They love us so much that it hurts them to see us not living up to our potential. They want us to start taking better care of ourselves and being a better country.
VOTE: Charles Tyrwhitt.
In cars registered in MD you have to have at least 2 mirrors, the inside rear view and one on the drivers side. If the inside is blocked you need 2 outside mirrors.
Blocked view of 2 of 3 mirrors.
No foul on the play. It is just gamesmanship. Besides we all know when you become a member congress you have to hand over your balls to your party leader. If your lucky and play nice you can get them back at the end of your term.
He fought against "government managed" bankruptcy and said repeatedly private investment firms should step in to handle the bankruptcy proceedings. Except private investment firms were asked to do so prior to the government handled bankruptcy and bailout and all declined. It is almost as bad as South Carolina Senator…
I am not a lawyer, I don't know about adding or amending charges after jeopardy is attached.
This weekend in addition to sending your good wishes for James Foster's recovery take some time to designate on a medical proxy and make sure they know your wishes for medical care. It's perhaps the worst thing a for parent or loved one to see someone they care for in such a state. When doctors start using words like…
I think you missed something. Lehman was arrested, arraigned, and was granted bail, "...he pleaded not guilty to first-degree assault" and "the courts actually let him out on $75,000 bail."
Ms. Friel,