I always question the purpose of all these types of studies. When you make the argument that something is equivalent or superior with limited data you are missing the possibility that inclusion of both is typically the best option. Varying the weight and number of reps is beneficial as long as it done in a purposeful…
Ninja? Isn't assassinating people from a black motorcycle more of an Israel thing?
No. Acidic cleansers, e.g. citrus based cleansers, will dull and etch most natural stones like granite and marble. Instead consider making your own pH balanced cleanser using water, rubbing alcohol, and a few drops of a pH balanced dish soap like Dawn. If you go that route make sure you rinse the counter top well…
Which Wolf river; Tennessee, Kansas, Mississippi, or Vancouver Island B.C.?
I believe the answer is, you start dressing like a clown and build a bunker under NYC filling it with artists and fire arms. Have said bunker closed by the police before putting cameras in your home and broadcast it on the web 24/7. After your girlfriend leaves you, go bankrupt, and run away from creditors to…
I agree with you on everything except that fixing up the inner harbor would increase tourism. Baltimore has been its own worst enemy on the tourism front. Consider the image projected to the world, There's, Homicide: Life on the Streets, The Wire, Stop Snitchin', and I am pretty sure the most famous song to come out…
They should not tell you to remove it. Typically you go through "additional screening" often behind a "privacy shield" where you are asked to expose your prosthetic so they can "see and touch" it. They will also test if for trace explosives.
I don't doubt he wrote, or at least claims to have written his own music. There really are no standards as far as writing credits are concerned.
Thanks, it's nice to see my work appreciated.