
This is what happens when the teenage John Connor sends someone back in time to impregnate his mother and create himself so he can fight skynet.

You know if Dave would have watched the money a little closer, Alvin wouldn't have been able to spend it all on hula hoops.

@Frank Grimes: I am pretty sure it goes heated sidewalks - moving sidewalks/escalators - personal piggy-back carriers - teleporters

I may remembering incorrectly here. A few years ago wasn't there an american hockey team that got stuck on their charter flight from Canada when immigration officials went home?

@nileppezdel77: Windows are for the weak. There is no weakness in mother Russia.

@Xander Crews: I thought it was a viral ad for the upcoming Superman remake

@tastypotatoes: my sentiments as well. there is a nice deep ditch running to the right maybe he should have swerved into it...

Now playing

Sam Waterston has a message for Chrysler courtesy of TD Ameritrade

This article doesn't mention he stopped later and called Mercedes assistance or that he didn't want to be prosecuted because it would effect his job.

@mittelwerk1: gay leather bars will be plentiful...

@maximum_sarge: I think this is one of those situations where the transportation dept. said if the driver quit they wouldn't release the name or reprimand them. If the driver was fired and the name was released it would essentially stop them from finding another job as a bus driver.

@highlandmiata: This kind of explains the situation in terms of CA

@Møbius: We have, and don't call me Shirley.

It has the shoulders of an 80's power suit.

Welcome to the family Mr. Wolff...

he drank my milkshake?

@owen-magnetic: the study was completed in 2006. In 2007 the NHTSA said they would not require them in all vehicles, but then changed their minds in the same year.