
it took 10 years but we might just get another Rob Lowe gem out of this.

@Serolf Divad: someone was trying to sell a mint condition TC with low miles for somewhere around $30,000 on ebay not too long ago. I don't believe it received a bid.

In the following interchange replace the word BEAR with TERRORIST and BEAR PATROL with ENHANCED PAT DOWN

Dany Bahar = Enron during California Energy Deregulation

@edck: yes, and depending upon the country of origin and the intelligence level of the scanner you might get frisked a little more.

@izzor_noraa.catpart: nouveau riche, an athlete who owns many Chelsea tractors, a singer who flaunts wealth, a woman whose dirty laundry is aired in public forums (her character on friends was prep), and I don't know enough about Kate Beckinsale.

"Beckhams have several, Jennifer Aniston loves them, and Kate Beckinsale can be seen hitting the gym in hers."

There is a difference between being rich and being preppy.

@manticore116: Bicycle helmets are designed for impacts under 15 mph, the speed in which bicycles regularly travel. Impact on a person wearing a bicycle helmet at 30 mph will only reduce the force to the equivalent of a 27.5 mph impact. Even at the 45 mph the man claims it is still more than enough force to cause

@CahbonFiabah: is that a regional word choice, tube? When I think tube it is usually not a liquid, more of a gel/paste. If i think Visine I think bottle.

@cretony38: I was thinking Riley is a shapeshifter who murdered his friend and took his place because he doesn't fully understand how he gets to be the "one" in the Highlander.

It doesn't matter to Toyota what they are calling "lame" it only matters that it looks out of date. The first commercial had a wood paneled banal blue Chrysler minivan, this one a wood paneled pea green Buick wagon. Key to Toyota ads... paneling.

@brianesser76: No world leader (except maybe the Dutch) should ride a bicycle, no matter the party.

@ne1245: oops error on my part

@RodRAEG: had the same idea, you beat me to it and your version is much better than mine, hazzah