We all know Motorweek is the equivalent of a pamphlet on the
I guess Scared Weird Little Guys should write another song
@tempesjo: Hal gives you an F for not chaining down your seats and putting a ball bearing over your ignition
"From world affairs to entertainment, business to fashion, crime to society, Vanity Fair is a cultural catalyst that drives the popular dialogue globally."
Los Angeles had/has the same problem with valets making fake signs
@RushinRussian: Biscione = good time
@Gïmmï Mørgäikköŋëŋ: I hope it isn't Willie Nelson's old one
@twinrotormotor: Also there are waterfall runners like Taylor Bradt who has the world record waterfall at 186 ft. Palouse Falls, WA
@twinrotormotor: Class V stuff mostly found in Africa.
personification, she is a bitch
@John Carter: he is wearing one of these so I trust him.
Gary Jules can go fornicate himself with hot coals.
@SteveBrandonOttawa: Soviet Russian cold war lore has a lot of "dead man countdowns/switches" like radio signal UVB-76. Some are much more interesting than others.
@theart: AWD, look at the top pic and think about the Saabaru drivetrain
@citroën67: Stephen Wiltshire works from memory alone on most of his works. It obviously isn't as complex as the water in the photos but is impressive none the less.
The motor trend problem (at least in my eyes) is that they recharged the batteries when possible. this means they are adding something to the car repeatedly resulting in skewed numbers. Adding electricity should equate to adding gas until a suitable miles traveled number is put into effect.
@Half the wheels and twice the fun: I think you are missing the subtlety in Vince Vaughn's acting style. He can be skinny douche, bloated douche, or Kevin James and I compete in eating contests between takes and I have been winning douche.
@DoogieFullHouser: If you pizza when you should french fry you're gonna have a bad time