No American is good at sharing the road.
No American is good at sharing the road.
Or, learn how to be a good driver. It’s not that fuckin’ hard bro.
As if cars don’t run red lights or ignore crosswalks or ride in bike/bus lanes. JFC are you really that threatened or does reality swirl counterclockwise in Oz?
“ive only had 7 drinks, i’ll make it home” a driver
There are car only roads, enjoy those. I bike for exercise, I also bike commute, for some people a bike is the only way they have to get places. Learn to share the road.
LOL yes bikes are super dangerous. Not the 6,000 pound projectiles controlled by an army of distracted morons.
No, ban cars instead. We are talking about the midwest, those folks could use the exercise.
Another good idea poorly executed. A better and more fair option would be to delete the gas tax and make both types pay a per-mile-driven tax based on weight and size. If you want to encourage ev adoption, keep the gas tax but call it a carbon tax and use those proceeds for healthcare.
No shit - anyone with siblings knows the 8-9 year old will give you up every fucking time.
For people feeling bad for his family, they 100% believe the same junk. His parents talked about he was a “patriot who stood up for his beliefs.”
Oh, great! Another international incident! Now we’ll be invaded by Dumbrovia!
But you don't understand this is for rich people.
Except that something doesn’t add up. They were temporary in 2013, and officially made “permanent” in 2016. The new “10 year” maintenance contract was signed in 2015 - $2.1 million for 10 years of maintenance. They haven’t even made it to the 10 years they agreed to contractually.
I fully agree, but you are not going to get that in the most dense area of San Francisco regardless of this art installation.
How about colors in general?! There are so many makes and models where you can’t even GET color anymore. It’s just swatches of greys, blacks, and whites on a lot of car customizers, MAYBE an army green or a dark maroon if you are lucky, but come on! Give me reds and blues and greens and oranges of many shades! And…
What’s the over-under on this being a NYPD employee or relative of one?