
Did Louisiana move to Canada after the election, or did you not bother to read the fucking article?

Reactionary Demographic

I’m not a conservative- I’m against leaders lining people against a wall and shooting them- I wouldn’t think that to be a partisan issue.

Killing is killing is killing.

He murdered tons of people, but because he’s left of center I’m going to defend him!

I guess I’m curious why we, as a culture, let certain people get away with “action A”, and others who did “action A” get condescending comments like yours...for doing the same thing.

But you might note that the “murderous killer” you’re indicting via proxy here brought vast advances in literacy, health care, and overall quality of life to Cuba despite the crushing force of an embargo by the world’s most powerful economy

When you see some hipster in a Che t-shirt remember this-

Eh, fuck trump, but this has been going on since the days that nacho libre mask could pass as protective headgear

Good call wearing WR gloves, there’s high chance of catching a Tannehill pass in those seats!

I don’t think anybody really feels one is necessary for the other. But there are people who will not worry about the intolerance as long as they get the boom and people who will welcome the bad as just as good or even better than the boom.

Agreed. I am as unhappy with Trump winning as many people, but this extended hissy fit needs to stop.

What if it works, though? What if the corporate and finance sectors are so happy to have a pro-business guy in there that stocks surge and companies start expanding?

The College Know It All Hippie?

This. I am beyond done with the moping and pissing and whining. People didn’t wallow in misery like this after fucking 9/11, for shit’s sake.

Depends on who you voted for. I voted Hillary and actually enjoyed this article, even if it’s not satirical. It’s a good balance to this site and all of the other Post-Gawker sites.

I’m spending Thanksgiving working in a Pediatric Cardiac ICU. It’s not as sad as that probably sounds, but it will put things in perspective in a hurry.

The problem with this post is that the pro-Trump arguments are slightly reasonable and thus totally unlike any discussion ever discussed over the election