
"Meanwhile, “sexual jealousy, infighting, and hunger” were apparently ravaging the camp."

Mr. President sounds heavily congested.

Did you Americans ban geography again for being against Jesus and guns? Fer Pete's sake …

Did Americans just ban Geography for being against Jesus and guns or something? C'mon A.V. Club!

"Edmonton, Saskatchewan"??????

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to tonight's Philadelphia Flyers game!


No cell phones in the 1800's. Can you put an emoji in a telegram?


Sherlock Holmes set in the 1800's? >derisive snort< Sure buddy, whatever. That'll never work … (rolls eyes)

"18 reasons Bilawal Bhatti needs to check his privilege"

"14 Bangladeshi National Bowlers who can't even"

I suppose I shouldn't judge based on one episode, but didn't Kubrick's/Spielberg's "A.I." cover all this thematic ground and then some?

Was I the only one waiting for Jen Barber to say "try turning off and on again"?

"Cooperalls". Lots of kids had those through the '80's.

No equipment either. Not even a jockstrap. If they get speared in the crotch. it's really going to hurt their … um … whatever they have.

At least you didn't resort to hyperbole.

Honestly, Cookie Monster looked like he was playing drunk. Or maybe just really sugar-buzzed?