I’m amazed my local dealer stays open. I only see Acuras on their lot.
What an utterly irrelevant car it was.
That’s unbelievable. You must have bought the haunted one off the lot. My ‘96 LS400 is still bulletproof today.
I think they crammed all the faults into that one car. Sorry you got it. My LS is flawless.
Because they aren’t thinking about what’s really going on with the economics. Yeah, cars today are cheaper than they’ve ever been especially when you factor in capabilities and reliability, but unless you’re upper-middle-class or higher, wages are more stagnant than they’ve ever been in your lifetime. Used to be by…
Jalopnik, 2030
C’mon Ford - just release the pics and specs, you cowards. At this point there is nothing to lose in not releasing it.
damn this whips, tbh. always a little skeptical of AMVs but yeah that’s a good song choice lol
Oh look, a perfect excuse to share my favorite AMV of all time:
Redline is my favorite racing themed anime movie. Takes the surrealism that anime does so well and turns it up to 11. It’s a little bit of a parody movie, but good none the less.
Solid opinion. I would throw in after watching this, check out “You’re Under Arrest” by Kosuke Fujishima (creator of Ah! My Goddess). It’s a lighthearted police procedural but the auto & motorcycle bits are pretty good. Also, give Dimension W a shot. Fairly sci-fi heavy story but the hero drives a 2000GT.
Just an FYI, this was supposed to be the first episode in a series of OVA videos featuring Bean and Rally, however character designer and writer Sonoda Kenichi (Who’s pathological attention to correct mechanical detail on weapons and cars is legendary) had a falling out with the show’s producers, Toshiba EMI. He left…
You’re an ICU nurse? Today, the question isn’t what car you should buy, it’s what car we should buy for you.
Me, an enthusiast - they don’t look good.
“Sure honey, I’ll sell that car I’ve had since high school to make room for your new family carrier in the garage. Let me just take some pictures and post the ad to the internet.”
Came here to suggest the same thing. Comfortable like a Pilot. Can do more things than a Pilot. It’s a Honda. It’s kind of rare. It’s different. And it might be had new for $40K!
In the latter half of the 80's, I lusted for a Chrysler Conquest TSI. In the latter half of the 90's, it was the Acura Legend Coupe. //bites fist//
I owned one for years and loved it. Very reliable, no problems, had a blown head gasket but you wouldn’t have known. Sold to a friend who drove it for years more. Meanwhile, I then wanted something newer and faster so I wasted 20 grand on two other cars (rusted out GS400 and BMW 540i/6 sport) when I should have been…